Starting LoRa failed! platform used is Adafruit Feather M0 with LoRa module
syed0923 opened this issue · 1 comments
I am using Adafruit Feather M0 with LoRa module which has 915E6 frequency. I tried to work with provided solutions here but could not get any way to start my LoRa system
My module is:
Are you using LoRaSimpleGateway.ino?
If so, the code requires the correct pin assignments to get things going.
Here is the pinout for the Feather M0 radio:
Need to somehow match up csPin (chip select pin), reset pin (RST) and irqPin so the microcontroller can control the LoRa radio chip. This can be really hard to do. But the pinout image sez, csPin is "D8", RST is "D4", and irq is "D7" but the code is looking for an integer so I do not know how to take this any further unless you just do brute force trial and error in the code.