
Pull Request Error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi This might be user error, but here is my output. I'm wondering if this is because the project and repo have a space in the name?

Note: This is a private TFS Git Repo.

2018-12-03T21:21:20.4102603Z searching for repository "FA Projects" in project "FA Projects"
2018-12-03T21:21:20.5812815Z creating pull request for source branch: "enrollmentVerificationOWUpdate" and target branch: "master"
2018-12-03T21:21:20.6722571Z ##[error]TF401398: The pull request cannot be activated because the source and/or the target branch no longer exists, or the requested refs are not branches
2018-12-03T21:21:20.6829268Z ##[section]Finishing: Create pull request

The issues is that you need to prefix your branch names with "refs/heads/"

That was it, Thanks!