
Add Push, Pull, Carry Animations *LOW PRIORITY*

Closed this issue · 4 comments

So in the comments of one of my releases:

A user named shadowfinderstudios posted this:

"I'm surprised Carry, Push, and Grab never made it in."

Well, I thought I had heard about these a while back, but I couldn't find them anywhere. Thankfully, shadowfinderstudios posted a link:

Evert said he's willing to release the assets in OGA-BY as long as the previous assets are, but to his knowledge, they aren't. To my knowledge, they are (except for Daneeklu's grab).

As far as I am aware, Redshrike, Wulax, and Makrohn granted global support for all their assets to be OGA-BY. In theory, though, we might be able to add them anyway... we could say something like "X animations are only available in" but I don't like that idea very much. That's my main concern with mix-and-matching animation frames in the same body type. If its global for the body type that's one thing.

That being said, apparently Evert only made Male anyway, I haven't actually checked these yet. As such, perhaps I could just recreate them using Evert's designs as inspiration on how the animations should work. Ideally a grab/push would have the legs moving in a sort of "drag" animation anyway, with the legs dragging behind the body or pushing away from the body.

And Carry is... other than "lift", Carry is super easy, its just lifting the hands above the body during walk.

Anyway, probably won't be added any time soon. However, it would be nice to have. If Evert gives the approval I could work on them. That being said, I wonder if saying he'd support OGA-BY is enough to justify it.

As an added bonus, if we add new animations anyway, there's also a frame someone commissioned for LPC Revised that includes a "damaged" pose. Suggestion is to include that into the "emotes" section. I didn't add it yet because I don't wish to add single sets of new base frames, but if there's a bunch to add at once I might consider it:

As far as I am aware the commission got approval for this asset to be available in OGA-BY.

Finally had a chance to look at this.

Personally, I don't like the push/pull very much. Should be noted, the pull animation is just identical to push in this case.

When pushing/pulling, the legs should be bent in a different directions to make it look more realistic. I get that it doesn't have to be that realistic or anything, but thsi is a pretty simplistic one. Perhaps it'd be better to redraw it.

A "push" I would think would have the character leaning toward the object, while a pull actually "pulls" back.

Using the emotes third frame as a base is what I'm looking at for pull here--have the model lean back, arms stretched out front, as the legs are moving as well.

Push could be derived from Eliza's combat animation as its leaning forward.

I can't think of anything useful for carry other than "we need an actual lift animation, too". Carry would be fine on its own but ideally that would be accompanied by lift. However, lift could be derived from whatever we use for pull anyway.

Bluecarrot prefers sticking with the original push/pull by Evert because it reuses the original walk frames. As that makes it easier to animate new clothing assets.

That's a good point to bring up. Its also the reason why they were hesitant to go with Eliza's run animation. While its nice, its more complex. That being said, there is a different context here--Eliza's run animation already had clothing assets completed for it, while nobody really did anything with the old run animations yet.

Still, though, creating a new push/pull probably isn't worth it. It'd be much easier to get new assets quickly by sticking with the current ones. The only issue, I think, is Daneeklu's hand frame, I don't think we've heard anything about Daneeklu recently. So its probably best to create a new hand frame for the grab animation based on pre-existing frames.

I think I can still do my idea even following bluecarrot's advise. Basically, reuse frames as much as possible... but I really like the idea of pulling back for pull and pushing for push. I'll experiment with the option, but I won't add anything until I confirm its a good idea first.