Unclear wording on section Blog Entry Detail
riseriyo opened this issue · 9 comments
Ok, this section was a bit unclear to me. So...
Suggestion: Change wording for the following:
"This test fails because we didn’t define the get_absolute_url method for our model (Django Model Instance Documentation). "
"This test fails because we didn’t define the get_absolute_url method for our Entry model (Django Model Instance Documentation). "
Suggestion: Change wording for the following (*if I am correctly understanding what is supposed to be returned):
"Finally we need to create the get_absolute_url() function which should return the entry detail URL for each entry. "
"Finally we need to create the get_absolute_url() function inside our class Entry which calls on the view, entry_details, in blog/views.py. This view will then return the entry detail URL for each entry."
@riseriyo I don't think your second suggestion is correct. The URL is constructed by Django's url resolver because we use django.core.urlresolvers.reverse
@treyhunner Ok, but that section is still unclear to me in the way it was
- Where are we creating the get_absolute_url() function? Ok, I see where
in the next sentences down... Entry class - Maybe it's the part 'entry detail URL for each entry' that's confusing
me. Do you mean for each EntryDetail object there is a URL that corresponds
to each entry? - Could you add what you stated -- "The URL is constructed by Django's
url resolver." and refer to the django.core.urlresolvers.reverse and what
it does as a way of making it more clear?
On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Trey Hunner notifications@github.com
@riseriyo https://github.com/riseriyo I don't think your second
suggestion is correct. The URL is constructed by Django's url resolver
because we use django.core.urlresolvers.reverse.—
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#113 (comment)
Ms. Rise Riyo
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” - Yoda
- There's a URL for each
object. - We should link to reverse if we don't already, but I'm not sure whether the URL resolver explanation would make things more or less confusing. I wonder how other tutorials handle explanations of reversing URLs.
@treyhunner @riseriyo I went through this section and added some readability changes. I think that I covered Trey's item 1. My recommendation would be to skip URL resolver explanation at this point.
I went through section again. Wording is better. But I think adding at
least a "Tip" regarding django.core.urlresolvers import reverse should be
added as further reading.
Placing the "Tip" under the box of code that displays the
get_absolute_url() would be fine.
Tip: For further reading about the utility function, reverse, see the
Django documentation on django.core.urlresolvers.reverse at
On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 7:36 AM, Carol Willing notifications@github.com
@treyhunner https://github.com/treyhunner @riseriyo
https://github.com/riseriyo I went through this section and added some
readability changes. I think that I covered Trey's item 1. My
recommendation would be to skip URL resolver explanation at this point.—
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#113 (comment)
Ms. Rise Riyo
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” - Yoda
Thanks much, Ms. Carol. - R
On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Carol Willing notifications@github.com
@riseriyo https://github.com/riseriyo For your viewing pleasure 955bb7e
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#113 (comment)
Ms. Rise Riyo
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” - Yoda
@riseriyo You are very welcome.
@treyhunner Give it a look and then I think it is ready to close.