git-sourced gems don't get loaded via bundler
jyurek opened this issue · 12 comments
I have an app that has a gem required through git. When I run the specjour listener with bundle exec specjour listen
, the Gemfile isn't loaded correctly. The git-sourced gem simply doesn't load. I get Could not find rack-ssl-enforcer-0.2.0.gem for installation
and tests fail because of the missing gem.
Would you mind posting the line from your Gemfile? If the git source is local, you should use an absolute path rather than a relative path. The listener executes code (bundle install) from within /tmp.
gem "rack-ssl-enforcer",
:require => "rack/ssl-enforcer",
:git => "git://"
I just tried including the above line into my Gemfile, and the gem installed without issue. I double checked the installation by cd'ing into /tmp/<project_name> and running bundle list
. Did you bundle install
before running the specjour command? Bundle exec doesn't work if gems are missing.
I did bundle install. That's why it's so weird. The bundle install beforehand on the command line works fine, but the one as part of the specjour before_fork doesn't.
Wait, could that be it? If I bundle as part of the after_fork, would that help?
On Aug 30, 2011, at 3:45 AM, wrote:
I just tried including the above line into my Gemfile, and the gem installed without issue. I double checked the installation by cd'ing into /tmp/<project_name> and running
bundle list
. Did youbundle install
before running the specjour command? Bundle exec doesn't work if gems are missing.Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
#27 (comment)
No, that didn't seem to help anything. I just get the bundle error twice now.
For reference, this is my .specjour/hooks.rb file:
Specjour::Configuration.before_fork = lambda do
system('bundle install')
And the error happens if I run the listener with bundle exec specjour listen
, then start a normal specjour test run. If I make a gemset and run it without the bundle exec it works better, but that will create maintenance headaches when gems inevitably update later.
Do you get the same error when you cd into /tmp/project and run bundle install
No, I don't get the error. If I try system("cd /tmp/project && bundle install")
in my hook I do still get the error.
So, I was thinking about this earlier, and I hit upon the idea that this might not be the right approach to this in the first place. If I have a project that has a Gemfile, what is the expected way for specjour to execute those specs? If the listener is run via bundle exec
the versions of the gems won't change unless the listener is restarted. But the specs don't run without it because of gem version conflicts.
Am I just thinking about the problem wrong? What is the expected usage of specjour for this problem?
You need to have all of your gem dependencies satisfied in order to run specjour listen
. Once the listener is up and running, it calls the before_fork callback before forking out worker processes to run tests. The default behavior of before_fork is to run bundle install within the project directory inside of /tmp. The listener doesn't need to know about updated gems because it never loads the rails environment. It simply prepares the project directory before forking workers.
I don't know why bundle install is failing for you. You could try removing .specjour/hooks as it seems redundant, and is the only difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing.
It appears as though the blame is lying more on bundler, since it won't cache a rack gem... but I can't seem to find out why it only looks in the cache to begin with, and doesn't behave like a normal bundle install
does. Removing the hooks doesn't help any.
@jyurek Did you find a solution to your issue?