rsync issue after install
jaredhabeck opened this issue · 2 comments
jaredhabeck commented
This is probably a networking problem on my end, but wanted to see if you had any input - this was after a fresh gem install, and I have a proper database.yml set up on the test: property.
Looking for listeners...
No listeners found on this machine, starting one...
Workers found: 2
"myhostname replaced" (2)
rsync: getaddrinfo: "myhostname replaced" 23456: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-42/rsync/clientserver.c(105) [receiver=2.6.9]
Any input would be appreciated, and sorry if an issue report is the wrong place for this.
sandro commented
Weird. Looks like rsync is barfing. What does this return in irb?
>> require 'socket'
=> true
>> Socket.gethostname
=> "santurimob.local"
jaredhabeck commented
it does return my proper hostname, I must just be having crazy rsync issues, sorry to bother with this - I was just using your gem at Hashrocket and it was performing fine on their network when I was on their wireless! Weird!