Vault 1 Assignment


Develop a vault where users can deposit and withdraw any ERC20 token. Complete this contract in contracts/Vault1.sol.


  • function deposit(_amount) - Should take in deposit amount. Assume that the contract is pre-approved to transfer that amount
  • function withdraw(_amount) - Should allow users to withdraw amount lesser than or equal to what they have deposited

Vault 2 Assignment


Develop a vault where users can wrap their ether. Users should be able to send ether and receive an equal amount of VAULT tokens. On burning those tokens, users should get ether back. Complete this contract in contracts/Vault2.sol


  • function mint(_amount) - A payable function which should take ether and mint equal amount of VAULT tokens.
  • function burn(_amount) - Should allow users to burn their tokens and get equal amount of ether back.


  • Create a fork of this repo

  • Create a new branch with your name. You can use the following command

    git checkout -b my-name
  • Install all dependencies

    npm install
  • Run Tests

    npx hardhat test
  • Submit a PR from forked repo to main branch of this repo


  • Use events where necessary
  • Write tests for your contracts. Add them in test directory