
Should mention referral program on account settings page

paulproteus opened this issue · 9 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  • Visit a blackrock-enabled Sandstorm
  • Visit /account

Expected behavior:

  • See some info about the referral program, even if you haven't managed to refer anyone

Actual behavior:

  • No info about referral program

cc: @neynah who mentioned this recently


I've implemented a terrible version of this in

Probably we shouldn't merge that, so I'm not turning it into a pull request, but at least now whoever picks this up (perhaps me? perhaps @neynah ?) knows what code to start changing. Note that this requires having a blackrock build runnable locally, which might be beyond what we've made easy for @neynah.

Anyway honestly what I want is a mockup of how this should look from @neynah and then I can probably make it look like that in 0-2h.

I guess I'm confused about the 2GB of storage since it says up to 30GB here?

I'm assuming you also get unlimited grains with the mailing bonus so I've tweaked the text for both so that they match:

My suggestion for the referral program text is pretty soft, although I suggest we try and match the language we use elsewhere.

Also I'd say this fix is pretty high priority, thanks for doing this. :D

I can work on implementing this, but can I suggest instead that you emphasize "Get free space" like other services do to make users more likely to click things in here?

I won't get to this until ~tomorrow or Fri at this rate, so I'm OK with pausing a little bit for design revision. I'm also OK with you telling me this is what I should implement!

Oh right. Seems reasonable to have the word free in there. I'm OK with this or something similar- up to you!. Full caps for "FREE" because we also have our "FREE" plan displayed this way.


I see. I think I'm OK with this for now. In the future we may want to highlight/style this section differently but I don't think that's currently necessary:


Yay! Thanks. I hope that feedback process was OK; I could probably have been clearer in what I wanted. The button styling and text styling works great for me.

Yeah it's fine. Happy to do quick iterations like that. :)

Revised text & layout for free accounts.
