
Detect when our packages.json file gets out of date, so that we can handle e.g. security updates in a timely fashion

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey @treyhunner -- this repo contains a packages.json file, and I think you know things about npm-land.

Is there, like, a web service I can subscribe to, that will email me when my packages.json file depends on things that are out of date?

This repo is an open source dynamic DNS server and other-things toolbox that runs on the URL as a free service to users of, fwiw.

I don't use many services like this, but I know about

I believe that one works with Node/JS projects, but there might be better competing services at this point.

@paulproteus is probably what you're looking for, or maybe

The Wekan repo has enabled if you want an example of what it does, check the PR tab. It gets kinda spammy if the maintainer isn't actively merging the PRs, mind you.