
gibberish in cadinfo output

drnextgis opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it ok?

screenshot from 2016-08-27 05 36 20

cadinfo just returns strings as they stored in DWG file. No encoding released. But it worth to add this in cadinfo. It seems to me that this issue should be marked as enhancement.

Library has a way to get what encoding is presented, but adding additional recoding to UTF8 (as an example) should be a good enhancement, since library calling application wont need to use its own recoding algorithms (as GDAL CAD Driver does now)

But I meant to recode in application - not in library. Most software already have some implementations of strings recoding. So using library the software need to use not own but library recording, which duplicates functionality and limits developer.
Adding iconv is enough here. It can be added the same way as GTest did - using NextGIS Borsh scripts (see and usage example