
relay end point ?

chandu0101 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi ,
can you add relay end point also to this example ?

I wanted to create a relay example in near future, but not in this repo. Because it's so coupled with the relay fronted, I was thinking about creating a small, but complete fronted/backend example application, probably with the play framework (since it's more suitable for the webapps). Do you think is would be viable option?

BTW, meanwhile one full example is already available in the sangria-relay repo itself:

but not in this repo. Because it's so coupled with the relay fronted

makes sense , may be new example project :)

I was thinking about creating a small, but complete fronted/backend example application

for my use i need only server end point , i want to access it from my scala.js react frontend .

Offtopic : any plans to publish a scala.js library that contains query builder and a plugin to verify queries from json schema in compile time ?

@OlegIlyenko Hey Oleg, any update on your Akka-HTTP Sangria-relay example? It'd be nice to have one :)