
Fastest Algorithm to find where the number lies

sundarv85 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have the following content


When I get a number, say 15 I need to find where it lies and what is the name.

For e.g. 30 would not have a matching name.

Which algorithm would fit here and what would be the fastest way for this. Thoughts?

Hi, this looks more an homework than something related to this repo. I think you should better ask for help in more appropriate places (/r/learnprogramming should be fine).

In case the ranges do not overlap (which I presume will not), you will need 3 arrays. Two integer-arrays int[] that contains the starting number and the ending number, and the third a String-array String[] that contains the name at the same index.

Now given a number you just need to lookup the number in the first array - which you can do via a divide-and-rule lookup (aka the binary search) and once you have an index where the integer on the left is smaller and the integer in the right is higher - you have a hit candidate.

Now at the same hit-index check the second int-array containing the ending number, and match that this is a valid hit. Once checked you have the name with you.

Space Complexity - O(n)
Time Complexity - O(log n)

Hope this helps. Feel free to reopen the issue in case you have more thoughts.

PS: The reason I assume ranges will not overlap is because in that case we will have multiple valid candidate results for a given number.

PS: I agree that this is more of a homework exercise, but still this one being a simple one - I went ahead and put my thoughts in here.