
Plugin doesn't expose the context metadata available on Cloudinary

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This plugin doesn't expose the context metadata available on Cloudinary.

By default cloudinary allows users to set caption (called title on the web interface) and alt (called description on the web interface).

Aside from that, Cloudinary also allows users to set a key/value pairs of context metadata as they see necessary.

This plugin should expose at least the default context metadata, allowing core data to be available when querying sanity assets.

I've opened a PR for this here: #9

In order to test my changes I've created a branch in my fork called github-install - this branch has simple modification on the package.json script where I switch the prepublishOnly with a prepare to allow a proper package install direct from github.

npm install github:marcos-abreu/sanity-plugin-cloudinary#github-install

This code was tested in a project with: Gatsby / Sanity / Cloudinary