
[University Support]: Griffith University

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I'd like to add support for Blackboard Sync for Griffith University, Australia. Details are as follows:

University name: Griffith University

Short name or abbreviation: GriffUni

Link to Blackboard portal:

Landing URL after successfully logging in:

And is there an ETA on the next release? :)

Kind regards,
Learning and Teaching Solutions
Griffith University

Please try out this pre-release and let me know if there are any issues

I'm getting a message that I don't have permissions to run the file... :/
I've tried activating admin permissions on my PC, so it's definitely not that (I was able to run the regular release)

@KR3dwood if you are on a university-managed device, it may be that you are restricted from executing internet downloads, and you should consider getting help from the IT department. If it is your personal machine, then maybe you can provide me with the exact error message that you are seeing and I'll try to help you. But there is no difference between a pre-release and a regular release other than the name. By the way, please do not run the program as Administrator.

@sanjacob good news! we managed to get the pre-release installed, but what we're downloading from our Blackboard instance (with a student user) doesn't appear to be what is shown in a full release... :/ it's not a full export of all of their course files. It's just one or two.

Any news on when a full release will be available? :)

Unfortunately that depends on your specific Blackboard instance. You could have someone from the CS department help you debug this, or if you prefer I can debug it myself if you have the ability to create a test user for me solely for this task.
The pre-release is helpful to find bugs such as these and fix them before doing an official release, but ultimately has no intrinsic qualities that would make its behaviour any different, other than the fixes we can perform thanks to testing the pre-release.

It's also worth checking the logs directory inside your download folder (if it exists), as it may help show any errors that ocurred during the download process

Hi Jacob,
one of our platform engineers had a look and has passed on the following:

This is the error he gets during the process of exporting data from Blackboard -

The process almost immediately stalls/hangs straight after this trying to write the next file:
MicrosoftTeams-image (23)

He's asking whether it's possible to add a try-catch block in the code so that we don't get any unhandled exceptions ?


Thank you for the reply, this is really helpful in finding out why you are experiencing issues. While I will need time to look at it in detail, right away it seems it might be that the path is too long for windows. Since the path is constructed from your course and content names, this only becomes a problem with long names.
This could be further confirmed if you can try installing the app on either Mac OS or Linux, but it's not completely necessary. I'll take a deeper look into it soon and probably come up with an alternative strategy for cases like this one.

I have opened #178 for further discussion of this issue.