ng-image-slider with fixed height to 200px
Ceddaerrix opened this issue · 1 comments
Ceddaerrix commented
I have the image slider within a DIV with a limited height.
Still, the ng-image-slider component remains with a 200px height, which does not render the content as expected.
<div style="width: 70%; height: 80px; text-align:center;margin:0; padding:0;">
<ng-image-slider #nav
[imageSize]="{width: '80px',height: '80px'}"
Is there any way to set the image-slider height?
Note: I am using "ng-image-slider": "^5.0.0" since using Angular v13
Ceddaerrix commented
In order to resolve the issue, because I had no restrictions about the Angular version, I have upgraded to Angular v14 and then to "ng-image-slider": "^6.1.0"