
PDF viewer is blank

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I have been looking for alternatives to Overleaf and found this interesting project.

I used this repository as a template a few times to try it out, but every time I open the compiled PDF of the sample LaTeX file, I get a blank PDF viewer window. The details are as follows.

  1. The sample LaTeX file compiles successfully.
  2. When I click on the PDF, a new tab is opened to authenticate the port. The tab does not show anything after the initial load and remains open.
  3. After a few seconds, a demo.PDF opens in the editor window but does not show the contents of the PDF.

Has anyone experienced this issue and knows how to resolve it?

I am running Firefox 111.0 in macOS Ventura 13.2.1.

I have a similar issue using LaTeX-Workshop via Remote tunnels (even with my server). The extension works fine over SSH but not via tunnels. Perhaps you can post the issue on their project and link it here.

@fcdimitr, because there are a few pieces involved, I am not sure if this is a LaTeX-Workshop (LW) issue or not. I can submit an issue if I narrow it down to LW.

I do not have any issues with SSH + WebLaTeX running on a local server either, but I have not tried Remote Tunnels yet.

@MahdiNazemi Is your issue solved? DId you find a fix?

I moved my development to a local server (SSH), which does not suffer from this issue. I'm not sure how if the issue is resolved on GitHub Codespaces.

Out of curiosity, did you try to use remote tunnels instead of SSH with your local server, @MahdiNazemi? On my side, I observed that the issue appears only when using remote tunnels, regardless of where I connect to (Codespaces or local server).

Is there any update on this? I still cannot view PDFs over Remote Tunnels (SSH works fine). Any idea where I should ask for this issue? Thank you!

@fcdimitr, I am really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I went back to using Overleaf as it is the preferred online LaTeX editor for most of my collaborators.