
Spreading the word

Opened this issue · 6 comments

WebLaTex is pretty cool. Consider submitting an article to TUGboat. It wouldn't need to be long.

Other venues might be interested as well. With your permission and collaboration, I'm considering doing a lightning demo at SciPy or any scientific computing conference.

Thank you. Too bad that registration (or sponsorship) deadline is over for both of the events. However I would like to attend future conferences. Wanna colab? Let me know if you are interested.

Also, I am planning for a major enhancement for this project. I promised for using the official texlive image as the base image and yesterday I gave it a test after some modification. Works really great.

The update will be huge. There will be multiple versions for user to choose from. A base version with minimal tex editor where user can manually add packages in need basis. There will be a full version with complete texlive. and user can customize their language and font selection. There will be a self hosted version so that people can deploy weblatex on a server and use the containers by themselves without any modification or coding.

  • A lot more new features thanks to latex-workshop + dev container updates.
    These are the tested and confirmed features.

Unconfirmed and still in development features are: Having a offline Local Version (no need to install tlmg or any tex app) on the local pc and more.

Wow, nice.
Colab, sure, but I think you've already done most of the work that would be needed for an article, if not in TUGboat perhaps JOSS, which is also very short and sweet (though they do use markdown 😅 ). Anyway, I'm happy to help however I can.
Registration for SciPy lightning talks occurs at the conference, so it could still happen. No pressure though; I want to promote you and your work, not steal any thunder.

@thodson-usgs can I get your contact info? Like Whatsapp / Email whatever you prefer. We can contact there and discuss these opportunities. I am open to those now.
Also, can you check the dev branch? I have used the official texlive container with full support. Let me know if it is working fine from your end. I will merge the update then. And release the container for you to use it locally.

Email or create a discussion on github.
I'd be happy to meet on Zoom too. It might be helpful to learn your background before trying to give advice.

As for dev, I'm juggling a few balls at the moment, but I should be able to look at in the next day or two.

@sanjib-sen, I was too slow. Sorry

@thodson-usgs Thanks! I sent you an email!