A SceneKit and Metal Powered interactive globe for UIKit and SwiftUI
- Display an interactive 3D globe
- Customize the appearance of the globe, including earth color, glow color, and reflection color etc.
- Control the radius of the earth and size of the dots on the globe.
- Enable/disable particle effects, such as stars.
- Works with SwiftUI.
- Works with iOS, MacOS, iPadOS, and even with WatchOS!
- Add animation and interaction with the globe -- Working on
- Add country grouping and add necessary methods to SwiftUI and UIKit
import UIKit
import DotGlobe
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// initialize controller here
let globeController = GlobeViewController()
globeController.earthColor = UIColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.482, blue: 0.871, alpha: 1.0)
globeController.glowColor = UIColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.22, blue: 0.482, alpha: 1.0)
globeController.reflectionColor = UIColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.482, blue: 0.871, alpha: 1.0)
present(globeController, animated: true, completion: nil)
- dotCount: Amounts of dots used to draw the earth map, adjust it for your needs
- earthRadius: Adjusts the radius of the earth in the globe.
- dotSize: Sets the size of the dots displayed on the globe, by default, it is 0.005.
- enablesParticles: Enables or disables particle effects, by default, background is starry.
- particles: Sets the particle system for the globe's background.
- background
- earthNode: You can directly access to the earthNode to customize the earth itself
- earthColor: Sets the color of the earth on the globe.
- glowColor: Sets the color of the earth's glow effect.
- reflectionColor: Sets the color of the earth's reflection effect.
- glowShininess: Adjusts the shininess of the earth's glow effect.
import SwiftUI
import DotGlobe
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
You can use all the parameters above to customize the globe. Because of the performance issues, you have to specify everything before dots and globe gets rendered, or dot cloud causes a massive rendering issue.