
Local Variable Scope

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Sorry if this has been talked about before, but I didn't find any mention of it.

With the introduction of named local variables (#32), a way should be added add scope to them to avoid any potential name conflicts with opcode 0AB1.

x87 commented

@HzanRsxa2959 I think I understand what you are asking for, but can you please provide a few code examples where scoped variables are used?

@x87 Here is some example code with the issues commented:
Tested on Sanny Builder 3.7.0 released on 2021-1-30.

Also, I can't think of any example where nesting is necessary at all for scopes, at least in SCM.

x87 commented

another example


int x = 0
int y = 1
0AB1: cleo_call @fn 0

// cleo_call creates a local scope
int y = 1   // this is not the same 'y' as defined in the outer scope
cleo_return 0
x87 commented

This is solved in 4.0 with the introduction of function syntax #263