
"DebugOptions" button sometimes not working

MiranDMC opened this issue · 3 comments

It happened to me second time that editing settings on DebugOptions has no effect.
I think the checkboxes on the menu were actually updated and presented correct values after menu close and reopening, but compilation of the script seem to use some other settings.
Closing-opening the menu, toggling active tabs or modes did not triggered update and compilation still seem to use old settings. Restarting SB application solved the problem.

x87 commented

Those are per-tab settings. Changing them in one tab does not affect another tab. Maybe that's the reason?

I'm aware of that, and that was not the source of the problem. Switching tabs multiple times also did not corrected the problem in the script I wanted update settings for.
There seems to be some rare set of conditions that cause it as it only happened twice for me. First time I was not sure after all it was not my mistake, but second time confirmed it was a thing and only SB restart helped.

Hmm, what will happen if same file is opened in multiple tabs?