
Hello - running locally

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi first of all thank you for sharing this work i have a noob question here... this project inspired me to learn more JS i come from java and C# world so please bare with me, when i got the code i wanted to run this locally but it just show a gray screen where the automaton should appear, i see the app i built with some Node.js my first guess? how to make the app run locally like in the online version do i need to create an http server with node js and put everyting in there?

Thank you

Nevermind is just a dumb question.

It is not a dumb question, I really should have some build instructions in the readme so I will re-open this issue, Glad you got it working. Let me know if you have any questions about it and welcome to Javascript programming. I think you will find it is more powerful than most give it credit for.

Hi today i got some free time and i would really like to learn and run your project locally in my computer, could you give me hand with what i should input in the command line? i have node.js installed but how do i make it run?

requirements: git, node.js, (IIS if using windows)


git clone

cd cellauto
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install

Use IIS to define as a virtual directory. Use a browser to open http://localhost//cellauto

Open a file in /examples in any editor, like notepad++ and edit it. On saving, grunt will rebuild the project.

Refresh the web page to see your results.