
Corrections in lsextract_mw.txt

Closed this issue · 83 comments

Just had a cursory look at the file, and felt it needs a good revision/updating.

Here are some quick finds-

00001 Beames ? (Author)

; John Beams (for more details, look at Wiki)

00001 Hunter ? (Author)

; William Wilson Hunter (for more details, look at Wiki)

00000 Bn. ? (Author)

; Look at this #121 (comment), which had tackled the entry. Hence, to be deleted.

00000 Wh. Whitney, W. D. (1872). (Author)

; to be deleted, as "Wh." has been merged into "00001 Wh. and Ro. Atharva Veda Sanhita, Volume 1," now.

00000 Uttamac.2 2 Uttamacaritra in about 700 verses (Tit

; occurs under <L>68385, but differently marked.

00000 Bādar.,Sch.. Śaṃkara's Śārīraka-mīmāṃsā on Bādarāyaṇa

; There are as many as 46 "<ls>Bādar.</ls> <ab>Sch.</ab>" in the text.

00000 Nid,Sch.. Nidāna,Sch.i.e.Vācaspati's Comm. (Title)

; There are 4 "<ls>Nid.</ls> <ab>Sch.</ab>" in the text.

00000 Uṇ,Sch.. Uṇādi-sūtra,Sch.i.e.Ujjvaladatta
; There are as many as 52 "<ls>Uṇ.</ls> <ab>Sch.</ab>" in the text.

This clubbing together of a work with its commentary as THE "ls item marking" is what I had suggested in one of the issues at PWG recently.

Similarly many other entries should also be checked once and updated.
And there are quite many <ls> entries having a comma or space after the <ls> word, and also without any punctuation mark (, or .) at all.
This needs correcting the resp. places in the mw.txt itself, apart from updating the lsextract counts.

See for e.g.

00970 ŚāṅkhŚr. Śāṅkhāyana-śrauta-sūtra (Title)

while there are 977 of "ŚāṅkhŚr" in the text,
1 "ŚāṅkhŚr," (<ls>ŚāṅkhŚr, xiii</ls>), 1 "ŚāṅkhŚr " (<ls>ŚāṅkhŚr vii</ls>), and 5 "ŚāṅkhŚr" (<ls>ŚāṅkhŚr</ls>) are missed in the count.

<ls>Beta bengalensis</ls> under <L>60183, <L>69053 and <L>74487 to be tagged as <bot> entity.

And finally the <ls> entries extracted and filtered now from the latest mw.txt gave as many as 848 entries, in comparison to 737 in the lsextract listed by Jim, giving nearly over a 100 additional entries!

lsextract (AB).txt

Even if some of these extra items are resolved as typos, some additional entries would surely remain to be added into Jim's listing.
[Seen that some entities are with both a caret marking and macron marking, thus got separately identified now.]

And there are 17 items marked NONE in the description, that seem to have a need of identifying a proper tooltip--

Śūdradh. | NONE (Title)
Śaṃkaracetov. | NONE (Title)
Śrāddhac. | NONE (Title)
DrāhyŚr. | NONE (Title)
Mit. | NONE (Title)
Ratnak. | NONE (Title)
SaṃnyUp. | NONE (Title)
TśUp. | NONE (Title)
TAnukr. | NONE (Title)
TaṇḍināmUp. | NONE (Title)
Udbh. | NONE (Author)
Vākyap. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyajīv. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyaj. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyakaparibh. | NONE (Title)
Vallabh. | NONE (Author)
Vidvanm. | NONE (Title)

Most of the tooltip "Unknown references" are resolved in this file--


Guess @funderburkjim could workout with this data.

Another 7 remaining to be resolved--

90.67 Par.
90.76 PS.
90.83 RLM.
90.87 RāmRās.
91.07 Viśv.
91.16 Śāntaś.
92.15 Sūtrakṛt.

The unknown references are identified by padding the <ls> name to the "orphan numbers" etc. in the text, and it appears that @funderburkjim had missed few such places.

Also seen that some Capital_words missed by Jim in his attempt to identify the <ls> candidates sometime earlier.

I will be posting those lists shortly.


Should the 17 entries listed at #135 (comment) be handled?
These seem not appearing in the tooltip file; which is the final file that to be used for this purpose?

= 1. <s>bandin</s>1) to be changed to
= 1. <s>bandin</s>)

Under <L>29692
<ls>MBh. xii,i 1220</ls> to be changed to
<ls>MBh. xii, 11220</ls>

The unknown references are identified by padding the name to the numbers etc. in the text, and it appears that @funderburkjim had missed few such places.

Identified 96 <ls> orphan candidates (with multiple numbers)--
ls orphans-1.txt

Similarly, orphans involving single numbers to be identified.

There are
(a) 939 cases of <ab>Vārtt.</ab> [0-9]+, to be linked appropriately to the resp. P. (Pāṇini) number-seq.
(b) 20 cases of <ls>RTL.</ls> p.[0-9]+

And some individual cases are in
ls orphans-2.txt
ls orphans-3.txt

The exercise to find the <ls> orphans with single number is to be continued still.

Another 7 remaining to be resolved--

4 resolved--

90.76 PS. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Paiṭhīnasi-Sūtra (in Paippalāda Saṃhitā) ?
90.87 RāmRās. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > RāmaRāsa(līlā) (in Bṛhatkośalakhaṇḍa) ?
91.07 Viśv. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Viśvāmitra gotra; Kāty. herein refers to Kātyāyana gotra
92.15 Sūtrakṛt. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Sūtrakṛtāṅgavṛtti (of Śīlācārya)

Still 3 more to be deciphered.

Format of abbrevlist_unknown_resolved.txt is fine. Plan to begin my part of work on this on Monday (3 days from now).

Got one more entry--

91.16 Śāntaś. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Śāntiśataka [print correction as Śāntiś.] [Śāntiś. 3.8]


Another 2 to be got.

And there are 17 items marked NONE in the description, that seem to have a need of identifying a proper tooltip--

Śūdradh. | NONE (Title)
Śaṃkaracetov. | NONE (Title)
Śrāddhac. | NONE (Title)
DrāhyŚr. | NONE (Title)
Mit. | NONE (Title)
Ratnak. | NONE (Title)
SaṃnyUp. | NONE (Title)
TśUp. | NONE (Title)
TAnukr. | NONE (Title)
TaṇḍināmUp. | NONE (Title)
Udbh. | NONE (Author)
Vākyap. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyajīv. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyaj. | NONE (Title)
Vaidyakaparibh. | NONE (Title)
Vallabh. | NONE (Author)
Vidvanm. | NONE (Title)

14 resolved--

Śūdradh. | NONE (Title) > Śūdradharma
Śaṃkaracetov. | NONE (Title) > Śaṅkaracetovilāsacampū
Śrāddhac. | NONE (Title) > Śrāddhacintāmaṇi
DrāhyŚr. | NONE (Title) > Drāhyāyana Śrautasūtra
Mit. | NONE (Title) > Mitākṣarā
Ratnak. | NONE (Title) > Ratnakoṣa
SaṃnyUp. | NONE (Title) > Saṃnyāsopaniṣad
TAnukr. | NONE (Title) > TaittirīyaAnukramaṇikā
Udbh. | NONE (Author) > Udbhaṭa (Kāvyālaṅkārasārasaṅgraha)
Vākyap. | NONE (Title) > Vākyapadīya, a grammatical treatise (by Bhartṛhari)
Vaidyajīv. | NONE (Title) > Vaidyajīvana (of Lolimbarāja)
Vaidyaj. | NONE (Title) > Vaidyajīvana (of Lolimbarāja)
Vaidyakaparibh. | NONE (Title) > Vaidyakaparibhāṣā
Vidvanm. | NONE (Title) > Vidvanmodataraṅgiṇī

3 more to be got still--

TśUp. | NONE (Title)
TaṇḍināmUp. | NONE (Title)
Vallabh. | NONE (Author)

Also seen that some Capital_words missed by Jim in his attempt to identify the <ls> candidates sometime earlier.

I will be posting those lists shortly.

Cap. letter words are broadly treated in two categories--

<ls> related [76 instances]
Cap. letter (ls related).pdf

and miscellaneous [160 instances]
Cap. letter (miscellaneous).pdf

Also there are 78 instances where " Jain" (i.e. preceding with a space) is to be tagged as <ns>Jain</ns>

And there are 3 other miscellaneous corrections, that I wanted to list separately--
(164391): 'V' (u+0056), mentioned as a symbol, could be changed to a true symbol like character '⋎' (u+22CE), or at least as '⋁' (u+22C1).

(41998): (a Lyrae) to be changed as (<lang n="greek">α</lang> Lyræ)
;[There are many more places requiring ae > æ change; and some places that need oe > œ change.]

(706145): <ls>Ked.</ls>N. to be changed as <ls>Ked.</ls>; <ab>N.</ab>
;[should this portion be split into a separate line from here??]

Hope this gets Jim's attention, in his present working on MW.

@funderburkjim is requested to generate the IAST version again, after correcting (a) the <ls> and other issues herein & (b) the #131 <hom> related issues that he is "considering" next.

Probably he could consider the #137 (Miscellaneous corrections) as well in the current session itself.

Got another one!

90.67 Par. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Pur. [print correction; there are 230 instances having the sequence <ls>Kāv.</ls>; <ls>Pur.</ls>, except this one]

One more remaining now--

90.83 RLM.

The items posted in 3 files under #112 are checked now; the items yet to be corrected are being posted here for @funderburkjim to have a look at.

These contain 5 <ls> related and 39 misc. corrections--
small letters (ls and misc.).pdf

And then, there are 60 untagged or new abbr.s--
untagged or new abbr(s).txt.txt

MW has kept a space after the number(s) in <ls> citations invariably (though he chose not to have the space in pure numbers!).

Seen 13 instances at the latest file data having no space in the <ls> citations, out of which
(a) 1 RV. citation & 4 AV. citations are working for links
(b) 1 RV. citation yet to be "made" to work
(c) 3 R. citations not working
(d) 4 works not yet having link-targets

(39338): <ls>AV. vi, 117,1</ls> ;[working]
(51733): <ls>R. vii, 7,3</ls> ;[not working]
(69064): <ls>R. vi, 8,10.</ls> ;[not working]
(73752): <ls>R. i, 67,15.</ls> ;[not working]
(78042): <ls>AV. xiii, 2,3</ls> ;[working]
(203832): <ls>BhP. iv, 16,7.</ls> ;[yet to link a target]
(257301): <ls>Hit. iii, 8,1/2</ls> ;[yet to link a target]
(264933): <ls>BhP. iii, 18,1</ls> ;[yet to link a target]
(316762): <ls>AV. viii, 6,3.</ls> ;[working]
(450250): <ls n="RV.">iv, 5,14</ls> ;[working]
(512900): <ls>RV. (<ab>esp.</ab> vii, 18, 6; viii, 3,9 &c.)</ls> ;[not working]
(774326): <ls>AV. viii, 9,18</ls> ;[working]
(816930): <ls>ChUp. v, 12,1</ls> ;[yet to link a target]

In any case, it is suggested to insert a space in these 13 instances also-- to make all the citations uniformly marked.


The changes based on file abbrevlist_unknown_resolved.txt have been installed. Changes based on the numerous additional comments will be handled in a next phase.
The work is done in the issue135 directory.

  • readme.txt describes the steps taken.
  • change_1.txt contains the small number of changes to mw.txt.
    • print_change.txt indicates those changes (about 30) which are print changes to ls abbreviations.
    • these are also documented in the csl-corrections repository mw_printchange.txt file.
  • tooltip.txt in pywork repository at commit 8c29bcc is the current revised list of ls abbreviations and tooltips.
  • tooltip_2_unused.txt lists abbreviation tooltips removed from tooltip.txt because they have no usage instances in mw.txt.
  1. DharmaP.
    old tip: = tooltip 02:45 [Cologne Addition]
    new tip: Dāyabhāga [Cologne Addition]

My file has this--

90.26 DharmaP. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > DharmaPurāṇa

One typo correction (carried from my file)--

  1. 92.02 Kāth. (possibly) Kathāsartsāgara [print correction as Kath.] [Cologne Addition] Title (edit)
    a. Kāth. -> Kath. mw.txt (1 instances)
    b. delete 92.02
    Note: 92.20 Kath. Kathāsartsāgara [Cologne Addition]

Kathāsartsāgara > Kathāsaritsāgara

  1. ŚāntiP.
    old tip: ŚāntiParva [more properly MBh. xii, 2638] [Cologne Addition]
    new tip: ŚāntiParva [Cologne Addition]
    Note: How to include 'MBh. xii, 2638' ?

Just consider it as the Calc. ed.of MBh. & the link should automatically point to the verse.
ŚāntiParva is the 12th Parva of MBh.; so could <ls n="MBh. xii,"> be used?

print change discussion

This is a side comment. Unless others strongly believe the 2nd method should be used, this comment can be ignored.

I can think of two ways to handle ls abbreviations which we (e.g. Andhrabharati) consider to be likely print errors.
For example, under headword aruRaketubrAhmaRa, we believe AitrAnukr. should be ĀtrAnukr.:

1. print change used

The technique chosen is to make a print change in mw.txt, and provide a tooltip for the revised spelling of the abbreviation.
<ls>AitrAnukr.</ls> -> ĀtrAnukr.` in mw.txt

2. no print change (unused)

In this approach, the old Spelling would appear in mw.txt,
and we would have the same tooltip associated with this old spelling,
Or the tooltip for the wrongly-spelled abbreviation could also indicate that we think the spelling of the abbreviation should be changed.
AitrAnukr. tooltip: Ātreya-anukramaṇikā (abbreviation should be ĀtrAnukr.)
A small advantage of this alternate would be the visibility of the change.

  1. Uttamac.²
    old tip: Uttamacaritra in about 700 verses [tooltip 09:42 has it as Uttamac.2; and there are another 6 tooltips having plain numbers instead of superscripts] [Cologne Addition]
    new tip: Uttamacaritra in about 700 verses [Cologne Addition]
    a. delete 09:42
    09:42 Uttamac.2 2 Uttamacaritra in about 700 verses Title
    b. ?? ' another 6 tooltips having plain numbers' ??

01:12 Alaṃkāras.2

04:03 Kāraṇḍ.2.

06:05 Pañcad.2.

08:11 Sarasv.2.

08:30 Siṃhās.2.
08:31 Siṃhās.3.

09:42 Uttamac.2

These should be superscript numbers here. [as per print book]

It is observed that the present update of tooltip.txt has removed all these numbers; I just wonder how the different texts would be differentiated without them!

In fact, @funderburkjim had even concluded that some of these are non-existing (for being devoid of the numbers properly) in the digitised text and moved them to the unused list!!

Pañcav. -> Pañcar. could it be PañcavBr. PañcaviṃśaBrāhmaṇa?

Does this answer the question?-
29. 90.70 Pañcav. [print correction as Pañcar.] [cf. pwk] [Cologne Addition] Title (edit)

The revised mw.txt has <ls>Kath. mw.txt</ls>, instead of <ls>Kath.</ls> (line 69020)

Pañcav. -> Pañcar.

Pañcav. in mw was in 3 headwords : vidAya, viDAtrI, vftti. PW does mention Pañcar. in vidAya,
but not in viDAtar or vftti. Also, PWG does mention Pañcar. under viDAtar (but not under vftti).
Nor does PWG mention Pañcav. under vftti -- although there are numerous Pañcav. references under other headwords (cf. advanced search text word PAÑCAV).

So the question is answered for vidAya and viDAtrI by reference to pw, pwg. Question still open for vftti.

Just a sample items shown from from the "unused" lists--

00000 01:49 :: Bādar.,Sch.. :: Śaṃkara's Śārīraka-mīmāṃsā on Bādarāyaṇa's Brahma-sūtras :: Title
46 instances of <ls>Bādar.</ls> <ab>Sch.</ab>

00000 02:41 :: Damayantī-kathā. :: Nalacampū :: Title
wrongly tagged as <s1 slp1="damayantI-kaTA">Damayantī-kathā</s1>

00000 03:22 :: HaṃsUp. :: Haṃsa-upaniṣad :: Title
5 instances of <ls>HaṉsUp.</ls>

Similarly, more can be "traced"; and all these are due to punctuation mark or transliteration or tagging or space being wrong in the text!

Question still open for vftti.

PWG has this under the said entry--

— 7) das Sichbefinden —, Vorkommen —, Erscheinen in, an: अथ धर्मस्य कामादपक्रान्तस्य कुत्र वृत्तिः wo befindet er sich? Prab. 64, 4. am Ende eines adj. comp.: नृभिर्गोधनैश्चापि वनवृत्तिभिः [Hariv. 4285.] उन्मार्ग° Kathās. 22, 239. समीप° (ed. Bomb. °वर्तिन्) Pañcat. 67, 25.

Here is the full title of

90.54 Kṛṣṇaj. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Weber's Kṛṣṇajanma ??

Über die Kṛishṇajanmâshṭamî (Kṛishṇa's Geburtsfest), 1867. (English translation: 1874)

Can you provide a text version of 'Cap. letter (ls related).pdf ?
And similarly for the other pdfs in that comment.

Do you want just the "cap. letter" files ( 2 no.s) [in that comment], or the "small letter" and "untagged" files [in another comment later] also?

Here are the two Cap. letter files (tab separated)--
Cap. letter (ls related).txt
Cap. letter (miscellaneous).txt

The tsv format is good. Thanks.

And here is the small letters file--
small letters (ls and misc.).txt

92.10 Nidān. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > Nidānasthāna ?

This should be Nidânasûtra, Weber's Transcript (, quoted in various issues of Indische Studien.

Similarly, more can be "traced"

@Andhrabharati I'll implement the few you mentioned.
Are you going to do the tracing of the rest?

If you want me to!

second batch of changes

The work is also in the issue135 folder.
See readme.txt starting at 'BEGIN change_2'.

About 2000 lines changed. change_2.txt has the change transactions.
A couple of entries added (see notes relating to 'temp_mw_3.txt' in readme.txt).

I did the 'tracing' of unused ls abbreviations.
See revised 'tooltip_2_unused.txt' as well as readme notes.
Using a 2007 version of mw.txt, a few 'superscript' ls abbreviations were found.

Only 4 abbreviations remain without tooltips.

Here is iast version of latest mw.txt:

@Andhrabharati Attempted to address all your suggested changes , along with
a few additional changes.
I think we are close to being able to close this issue.

If you want me to!

We all do

Only 4 abbreviations remain without tooltips.

Down from 11 or 13 we had a year ago thanks to @Andhrabharati

Let me go through the changes done.

And, @funderburkjim do you have any feeling (at the back of your mind) that I am bugging you with all sorts of observations, giving you a big trouble attending them?

If so, I will stop the exercise at once.

Down from 11 or 13 we had a year ago

The count was much more, @gasyoun

(Though the count is immaterial for me, thought of correcting you.)

the count is immaterial for me

Thousands and single case not equal. Love your approach

See readme.txt starting at 'BEGIN change_2'.

@funderburkjim the readme contains print correction, including possible ones. Are they documentere in the print error list seperately as well?


90.54 :: Kṛṣṇaj. :: Weber's Kṛṣṇajanma ?? [Cologne Addition] :: Title

See the post #135 (comment) (above)

12:21 :: Beames :: ? [Cologne Addition] :: Author
12:22 :: Hunter :: ? [Cologne Addition] :: Author

See the opening post #135 (comment) (above)

@funderburkjim / @gasyoun

I got my hands on some very interesting piece of work. [This gives full bibliographic details of many works referred in MW.]

Like to have (a look at) it?

[Probably, @thomasincambodia might already be having this!]

Just found that many 'unused' title names are carried from the MW72; but these entries got kind of modified in MW99, and thus 'disappeared'.


93.38 BhP. (B.) Is this Bombay or Burnouf? I guess Burnouff

This occurs at MW
¦ a hollow or tubular bone, <ls>BhP. (B.)</ls>, <ab>Sch.</ab>

Here is what PWG says for the same--
vaṃśa [Printed book page [6-0605]
— c) Rückgrat Trik. 3, 3, 432. H. an. Med. Halāy. 5, 17. cāruvaṃśaḥ kūrmaḥ Varāh. Bṛh. S. 64, 1. 3. cāpasamānavaṃśāḥ Elephanten 67, 1. 6. Bhāg. P. 11, 8, 32.
— d) Röhrknochen: aṣṭavaṃśavant [R. 5, 32, 14.] vaṃśaśabdena dairghyaṃ vivakṣitam bāhū ca nalakāvūrū jaṅghe cetyaṣṭa vaṃśakāḥ . nalakāvaṅgulyāviti (!) tīrthaḥ Comm. in der ed. Bomb. zu[ 5, 35, 19.]

MW appears to have inferred the Comm. in the Bomb. ed. to be tagged to Bhāg. P. of the meaning in c, instead of to the R. in the same meaning (d)!! Whatever it is, B. refers to Bombay, not to Burnouf. And the Bournouf edition of BhP. does not contain the Skt. commentary at all.

I am bugging you with all sorts of observations

No, I think nearly all of your suggested changes should be made. The quality of the Cologne digitization is improved by your observations. Please continue.


documented in the print error list separately ?

Yes, see above for the latest link to sanskrit-lexicon/csl-corrections.


NOTE: 433344 not found
(433344): W <ls>W.</ls> ;[Wilson's Dictionary]

I gave a wrong line number!!

This occurs at (434344)

¦ a small part, W

#135 (comment)

I thought @funderburkjim would notice the bold text here and would do the proper correction as Pañcav. -> Pañcat. at the vftti entry.

It seems to have skipped his attention, and stayed back at Pañcar.
[My fault, for not being explicit.]

  1. <L>75248<pc>403,2<k1>cOli B and V are quite speculative
    255424 new <s>cOli</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> = <s>cOqi</s>, <ls n="Pravar.">vi, 1</ls> (<s>°lakAyana</s> <ab n="Boehtlingk text of Pravarādhyāya OR Bharadvāja gotra? ">B</ab>, <s>°lika</s> <ab n="Viśvāmitra gotra ?">V</ab>). <info lex="m"/>

I am not able to trace the file now that I had referred to; shall trace it and post tomorrow.

Here is some background info, for whatever worth it has to CDSL.




Here is the page referred in PWG entry for cauli

I had mistaken for Viśvāmitra gotra (which applies to many others in this p. 57) to this, in a hurry (as I was looking at other entries in PWG). It comes under Vaśiṣṭha gotra (as highlighted).

And the page from pravaradarpaṇa has it as--

So, here V stands for Vaśiṣṭha gotra.


92.03 ŚāntiP. ŚāntiParva (Mahābhārata, section xii) [Cologne Addition] Title

NOTE: The MBh link at AkAsajananI now works. Revised basicadjust.php
Cologne 'Mbh.' link target is the Calcutta edition?

YES, see this from the link provided there--



11:42 TaṇḍināmUp. NONE Title

Here is the relevant matter from MW
[Printed book page [441]

And PWG has it thus

ताण्डि꣫न् m. N. pr. eines Lehrers der Metrik Verz. D. B. H. 100. Ind. St. 1, 59. pl. N. einer auf einen Schüler des Vaiśaṃpāyana zurückgehenden Schule [P. 4, 3, 104], Sch. 2, 66, Sch. Roth in der Einl. zu Naigh. x. Müller, Sl. 190. 364. Ind. St. 1, 31. ताण्डिब्राह्मण (so ist zu lesen) ebend. ताण्डिनां श्रुतिः Verz. D. B. H. No. 607.

The Śaṅkarabhāṣya on Bādarāyaṇa (Brahmasūtra) that is cited in MW has thus-



Ānandagiri's gloss to the same clearly supports it further by saying
[resp. quotes from the different recensions being quoted in diff. Upanishads]

And similar material is there at other places (25, 27 & 28).

Thus it is Tāṇḍin’s śruti (i.e. TāṇḍyaBrāhmaṇa) as quoted in ChUp. (Chāndogyopaniṣad) that is intended here; there is no such work as Tāṇḍinām* Upaniṣad at all.

As such, TaṇḍināmUp. can be considered as a print error and corrected as TāṇḍBr.
[MW seems to have taken the word Taṇḍinām in the Śaṅkarabhāṣya and added the Up. tag instead of Br. tag. In contrast, it's base PWG has it proper, as also at many other cases throughout.]


11:43 TśUp. NONE Title

Here is the relevant matter from MW
[Printed book page [489]

And PWG has it thus [under the entry dūra ]

— 4) loc. दूरे꣫ in der Ferne, fern, weit weg P. 2, 3, 36, Sch. दूरे - अन्ति Ṛv. 4, 4, 3. 9, 19, 7. - 1, 24, 9. 1, 132, 6. 3, 9, 2. 5, 7, 4. यो नो॑ दू॒रे त॒ळितो॒ या अरा॑तयो॒ ऽभि सन्ति॑ 2, 23, 9. न ते॑ दू॒रे प॑र॒मा चि॒द्रजां॑सि 3, 30, 2. 7, 77, 4. Av. 3, 3, 2. 3, 23, 1. Śat. Br. 1, 6, 1, 21. 10, 5, 2, 17. दूरे - अन्तिके Īśop. 5. - M. 8, 42. 203. N. 20, 3. R. Gorr. 2, 28, 32. 3, 78, 11. न मे दूरे किंचित्क्षणमपि न पार्श्वे रथजवात् Śāk. 9. Prab. 23, 2. दूरे परिहरनीयमस्य दर्शनम् 46, 5. दूरे प्राणभयं त्यक्त्वा (vgl. u. दूरतस्) R. 6, 107, 4. जग्मुर्दूरे Mbh. 9, 1737. सत्यं च दूरे गतम् Vet. 35, 18. दूरे विषयस्पृहा बभूव machte sich auf und davon Kathās. 10, 216. दत्तास्तव पुनः पाप दीनारा बहवो मया । दूरे तिष्ठतु तद्वृद्धिस्त्वया ते ऽपि न रक्षिताः ॥ die Zinsen davon mögen in weiter Ferne sein so v. a. auf die Zinsen will ich gern verzichten 6, 37.

Thus it can be clearly inferred that MW had erred in marking the reference. [Many such mishaps can be seen throughout MW's work!]

Let's have this go as a print change, TśUp. > Īśop.


11:49 Vallabh. NONE Author

This occurs at two entries
<L>74412<pc>399,2<k1>cīāka and <L>74868<pc>401,2<k1>cūlitaka

Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum helps resolving these--

चीआक poet. Sbhv.
भट्ट चूलितक poet. Sbhv.

And it expands Sbhv. as Subhāshitāvali by Vallabhadeva.

So, for MW, Vallabh. is Vallabhadeva's Subhāshitāvali

[MW seems to have taken the word Taṇḍinām in the Śaṅkarabhāṣya and added the Up. tag instead of Br. tag. In contrast, it's base PWG has it proper, as also at many other cases throughout.]

If @funderburkjim is convinced about this argument and decides doing the correction, I wonder why he hesitates doing a similar correction in case of SivaP. Rev. is SkandaP(urāṇa). Rev(ākhaṇḍa) and has kept it on hold at #125.

Even if Wiki reference (which I gave earlier) is not considered, --as sometimes (rather many a times!) Wiki entries are not to be trusted completely--, @funderburkjim might be aware of the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (DCS), which is widely popular among the researchers; so thought of giving a DCS link for seeing SkandaP(urāṇa). Rev(ākhaṇḍa)

Just pull-down the menus at the top, and all the sections of the works would be listed at

Using a 2007 version of mw.txt, a few 'superscript' ls abbreviations were found.

Finally, I've a wishful thinking in this context that @funderburkjim could bring the missing and/or lost punctuation marks (and spaces) back into the present text from some earlier backup text.

[If he serious, he surely will have some means to do the same without much hassles.]

I am bugging you with all sorts of observations

No, I think nearly all of your suggested changes should be made. The quality of the Cologne digitization is improved by your observations. Please continue.


I have more observations (probably they would seem drastic at the first instance, but quite appropriate from the perspective of MW's thoughts in the Introduction and thence in the print pages) that are to be considered.

If you're willing, I can post them in another issue, as this issue is now close to be closed.

But before that I would suggest you attending to #135 (comment)

@funderburkjim / @gasyoun

I got my hands on some very interesting piece of work. [This gives full bibliographic details of many works referred in MW.]

Like to have (a look at) it?

[Probably, @thomasincambodia might already be having this!]

Seems no one is interested in this!


90.83 RLM. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title


In the light of this info, I would suggest RLM. to be interpreted as RājendraLālaMitra's Notices of Sanskrit MSS. (probably with a '?' at the end to be on safe side).

[PWG has 163 occurrences of "Notices Of Skt. Mss."]

This successfully completes the tooltip listing of all the identified entities thus far.

Seems no one is interested in this!

You are still hiding it?


Installed few additional changes. Work in the issue135 directory.
Starting with 'Being change_4' in issue135/readme.txt.

Will put notes on #131 in that issue. Similarly for #137 corrections.

Request @Andhrabharati to provide the document with the tantalizing teaser of 'full bibliographic details of many works referred in MW.'

Request @Andhrabharati to provide the document with the tantalizing teaser of 'full bibliographic details of many works referred in MW.'

Here it is @funderburkjim

Leumann (Bibliographical details for MW99) ZDMG 42, 1877.pdf

MW himself cited this at the last page of his Introduction (p. xxxii), and this page does contain the names of many people and Titles that helped in the revision of MW72 to MW99.


I had stumbled upon this, while trying to trace any mention of RLM anywhere. [And the name ZDMG got stamped in my mind eversince I started working at PWG (during last year).]

And interestingly, there is one info that needs highlighting--



So, the "Marginal notes" that is marked at 'MW' in the List of Works and Authors are mainly due to SKD!

[No wonder, then, that 'MW' ls-item in MW99 ranks among the top 20 in lscount. Incidentally we can recall that the great PWG also has much citations etc. picked up from the SKD 1st edition.]

Thus we would come to know that it took help from all existing published Dictionaries till 1890 (Wilson, Sabdakalpadruma, Bopp, Benfey, Goldstucker, PWG, PWK, Capeller, Vacaspatyam and Apte-- we find all these works cited inside the dictionary content).

As the famous quote in the name of Isaac Newton goes, MW just stands on the "Shoulders of the giants"!!

Seems no one is interested in this!

You are still hiding it?


I am sure that I have quite many interesting and important "items" in my possession; unless and until people show their interest, no point sharing all those openly.


Probably you could consider changing the citation at <L>184164<pc>910,1<k1>vaṃśa to <ls>R. (B.)</ls>, <ab>Sch.</ab>
#135 (comment)

and remove the BhP. (B.) from ls list. [standing on the PWG citation]

90.83 RLM.

@Andhrabharati please provide a reference to the text mentioned in the above comment, and
a link to a pdf if such is available.

Correction re BhP. (B.)

I think I understand it finally. See note at Further revision re BhP. (B.) in readme for issue135 directory.

Closing this issue.

90.83 RLM.

@Andhrabharati please provide a reference to the text mentioned in the above comment, and
a link to a pdf if such is available.


It is from the front pages of ACC.

There are 10 places with a ? in the tooltips as of now.

00001 90.16 :: Bṛ. :: Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa ? [Cologne Addition] :: Title

This occurs under <L>117598<pc>595,1<k1>pariṇī as
to lead forward to, put or place anywhere (<s>agram</s>, at the head), <ls>Bṛ.</ls>;

PWG in the entry nI (under the prefix pari) has thus-

  1. herumführen, - geleiten, - tragen; herbeibringen Ṛv. 1, 95, 2. 1, 162, 4. सो अ॑ध्व॒राय॒ परि॑ णीयते क॒विः 3, 2, 7. ज्या॑वाजं॒ परि॑ णयन्त्या॒जौ 3, 53, 24. स सद्म परि॑णीयते 4, 9, 3. 4, 15, 1. जी॒वां मृ॒तेभ्यः॑ परिणी॒यमा॑नाम् Av. 18, 3, 3. परी॒मे गाम॑नेषत Ṛv. 10, 155, 5. 10, 165, 5. तेनै॒वैन॒मग्रं॑ दे॒वता॑नां॒ पर्य॑णयत् brachte an die Spitze Ts. 2, 3, 4, 3. Śat. Br. 5, 3, 3, 6. 7, 3, 2, 18. Śāṅkh. Br. 28, 2. Kauś. 46. 64. 80. 81.

As seen here, there are three Brāhmaṇas cited- Śatapatha, Śāṅkhāyana and Kauṣītaki; so the tooltip might have to be Brāhmaṇa literature instead of just the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa ?

Just noticed the in Bṛ!

So, make it a print correction as Bṛ > Br. and the tooltip 02:16 gets applied to it; no need of this 90.16

90.24 :: Cār. :: (possibly) Caraka [The context indicates that a work related to some herb, so some medical treatise is intended.] [Cologne Addition] :: Title

I forgot to mention a print change Cār. > Car. while saying this--
90.24 Cār. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title > (possibly) Caraka [The context indicates that a work related to some herb, so some medical treatise is intended.]

The matter within [...] was used as an explanation for my interpretation, and not to be added in the tooltip.
As Car. is already there at 02:32 (02:32 :: Car. :: Caraka :: Author), this 90.24 entry may be deleted, after making the print correction.
And, Car. refers to Carakasaṃhitā (a Title), not to Caraka (the Author).

BTW, just noticed that 9x.xx items are with a dot between, while all the earlier ones 0x:xx, 1x:xx and 2x:xx are with a colon between; is there some special significance for this different notation?


00003 9.2 :: UNKNOWN :: unknown :: ls is unknown

what are these three instances?

There are 13 places where a space is missing between the title and the citation place--

Kathās.liv, 18.
Kathās.lxxvii, 22.
Pañcat.iv, 2, 0/1
R.i, 3, 11.
R.i, 5
VarBṛ, 2
VarBṛ, 24
VarBṛS.liii, 48
VarBṛS.lx, 5
VarBṛS.lxviii, 97.

Now, I move away from this ls issue.

Note. As mentioned above at #135 (comment), there still can be some ls-orphans (with a single digit) lying, as my hunt was not continued.

[Hope @funderburkjim would come back to this closed issue to do these corrections.]

Thanks for reference to ACC front matter.

9x.xx items are with a dot between, while all the earlier ones 0x:xx, 1x:xx and 2x:xx are with a colon between; is there some special significance for this different notation?

No significance. These 'codes' are present only to make it easier to refer to a specific abbreviation. Each line should have a
different code,

one of the 3 'unknown' items in lsextract_all.txt is

; <L>187338<pc>924,3<k1>varRatAla
626433 old <s>va/rRa—tAla</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> <ab>N.</ab> of a king, 
<ls>Vār., <ab>Introd.</ab></ls><info lex="m"/>

Vār. is the unknown. No obvious answer from varRatAla in pwg or pw.

The other two were typos <ls><ab>ib.</ab> [Pi.']</ls> are being changed to <ls>ib. [Pi.']</ls> .

Vār. is the unknown. No obvious answer from varRatAla in pwg or pw.

Very easy, this is!

Just change Vār. to Vās. and it becomes another count increase in <ls>Vās., <ab>Introd.</ab>

PWG clearly mentions this--
वर्णताल m. N. pr. eines Fürsten Hall in der Einl. zu Vāsavad. S. 53. [ID=88431] [p= 6-0742]
(Einl. zu Vāsavad. is Introd. to Vāsavad.)

With this "final" correction done, this issue can be closed with a bang!

I saw Vāsavad. but didn't notice that 'Einl. zu' (einleitung) corresponds to 'Introd.'.

All changes now made and installed, AFAIK.

The changes of this issue provide a substantial improvement to the literary source markup and tooltips in the Cologne digitization of mw1899.
Many thanks to @Andhrabharati for guiding this effort!

Will now close this issue and on to 'cleanup' of other areas of mw.txt.


90.83 RLM. Unknown reference [Cologne Addition] Title

In the light of this info, I would suggest RLM. to be interpreted as RājendraLālaMitra's Notices of Sanskrit MSS. (probably with a '?' at the end to be on safe side).

I have found the RLM. for sure now, quite accidentally.

It is the RājendraLālaMitra's ed. of Lalitavistara (The Lalita-vistara: Memoirs of the Early Life of Sakya Sinha, 1877), who also translated it into English in two parts subsequently (1882, 1886).

Now, the ? mark is not needed at RLM.

And you can get many source scans (for PWG, pwk and MW) from this list--

Changed tooltip for RLM per comment above.