
औ in Lanman - question

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Is it a random occurrence?
Does Lanman write all औ as āu?
'au' is much more common way of writing औ।

{@√ḍhāuk@}¦ ({@ḍhaúkate; ḍuḍhauké; ḍhaukitá;@} <lbinfo n="ḍhauk-itá;"/>
{@ḍhaukáyati@}). approach; {%<ab>caus.</ab>%} bring
<div n="p"/>{@+ upa,@} bring to; provide.

A quick look at the print shows he did mark all ḍhauk as ḍhāuk under this entry, if not anywhere else.


Cologne digitisation has marked only the HW as such, but not its other forms in brackets!

Probably he might have taken (mistaken ?, the regular root being ḍhauk) it as a similar one like dhā (धा), or probably he might have noticed in some v.l. forms in some work (commentaries ?).

This can initiate a new task of compiling a v.l. list for all धातुs listed in all schools of Skt. grammar.
@gasyoun any takers for this task from your 'dhatu' batch?

As I have posted elsewhere in the group, sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig#182 (comment), Dr. Palsule did compile the list of धातुs in various schools, but skipped some v.l. forms in commentaries.
[incidentally this post of mine has received no responses yet!]

$ cat lan/lan.txt | grep 'āu'
{@√ḍhāuk@}¦ ({@ḍhaúkate; ḍuḍhauké; ḍhaukitá;@} <lbinfo n="ḍhauk-itá;"/>

So, it seems to be a single error.

Does Lanman write all औ as āu?

It's Whitney way, so must stay as is.

American style?

in quite many ways American works differ with European works!!

American style?

You can say that.


Emeneau follows him.

There are actually several other 'āu' instances in the original digitization from Thomas.

Search for 'a1u', which is the AS encoding of the original. ( in 215 lines).
Might check if any of these are handled improperly in the Lanman dictionary.

This transcoder file is relevant -
It accounts for the conversion from 'āu'' to 'au' which.

Would you mind giving the original file links for all digitisations @funderburkjim? (or may host them at the Github repo)

These seem to be having proper data wrt the books. One should not lose them.