
Regex lookahead/behind is not supported

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I have a regex like this:

"pattern": "^(?!(foo-|bar)-)[a-z][a-z0-9]+$"

In this example, I need to make sure a string does not start with foo- or bar-.

When I use this library, I get the error:
"^(?!(foo-|bar-))[a-z][a-z0-9]+$" is not valid "regex", which is valid regex for JS-based schema validators, but fails with this implementation, because the regexp library from the Golang stdlib does not support the ?!() syntax.

More info here:

since it is not supported by golang stdlib, there is nothing much i can do.

but you can workaround this by using jsonschema not and having a pattern which checks that value starts with foo- or bar- say pattern: ^(foo-|bar-)

@robbyt the spec specifically does not require these sorts of advanced regexes to be supported: primarily in order to ensure that what is required is likely to be supported in all languages/environments.