
go install installs old version

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Wanted to install jv 5.0, but go install couldn't figure it out:

$ go version
go version go1.17.1 darwin/amd64
$ go install 
go install: no matching versions for query "v5"

Using @latest works, but installs v1:

$ go install
go: downloading v1.2.4

Not sure if this is a go issue or if the repo needs a cmd/jv/go.mod file to fix it.

I guess it's because cmd/jv isn't versioned like the library is.

i am not sure whether go.mod should be added in cmd/jv

but noticed that following command works:

go install

Oh! Just need to put the v5 in the right place I guess. This stuff is so opaque.

ran into this as well, would be good to add to the README

@decentralgabe this is already added into GitHub README in 6fcf576