
Setting NoData to 0 causes entire raster not to render

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello, firstly thanks for a great little library much appreciated. At the moment I am trying to render a GeoTIFF on an OpenLayers 3 map with Plotty. Things are going great up until the point where I try and set the no data value (in this case to 0, represented by the dark blue in the image below). The whole layer simply disappears :(. No error messages are thrown in the console.


Hey, thanks for getting back to me.

You can check out my code and data here (it's quite large ~35mb):

Looking at your second point, this doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately:


With 0 set to the noDataValue:


I managed to resolve my issue, looks like the extent wasn't set correctly which must have been throwing some of the logic off somewhere in the library. My bad!

Glad to hear you find a solution!