
Package for easy Word exports in Laravel on given Templates.

Primary LanguagePHP

Word Template Exporter

Package for easy Word exports in Laravel on given Templates. This package is based on phpoffice/phpword.

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Table of Contents


Exporter is installed via Composer. To add a dependency to Exporter in your project, either

Run the following to use the latest stable version

    composer require santwer/exporter

or if you want the latest master version

    composer require santwer/exporter:dev-master

You can of course also manually edit your composer.json file

    "require": {
       "santwer/exporter": "v0.3.*"

Configuration (optional)

To use pdf export it is needed to install LibreOffice. WordTemplateExporter is using the soffice command to convert the docx file to pdf.

    sudo apt-get install libreoffice


Download and install LibreOffice from here Also add the path to the soffice command to the system environment variables.

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/soffice

How to use with ExportClasses


You can use the WordExporter Facade as follows. The format of the exported file is determined by the file extension. Supported formats are .docx and .pdf.

use WordExporter\Facades\WordExporter;

// Download as a Word file
WordExporter::download(new MyExportClass(), 'final-word.docx');

// Store the exported file
WordExporter::store(new MyExportClass(), 'path/to/save/export.docx');

// Store the exported file with an certain filename
WordExporter::storeAs(new MyExportClass(), 'path/to/save/', 'export.docx');

// Store the exported file with an certain filename as a batch
    new Exportable(new MyExportClass(), 'path/to/save/', 'export.docx'),
    new Exportable(new MyExportClass1(), 'path/to/save/', 'export1.docx'),
    new Exportable(new MyExportClass2(), 'path/to/save/', 'export2.pdf'),

// Queue it for later processing
WordExporter::queue(new MyExportClass(), 'path/to/save/export.docx');

Creating a New Export

You can create a new export using the following Artisan command:

    php artisan make:word {className}

Replace {className} with the name of the new export class.


The object $export can be implemented with the following interfaces:

Interface Description Example
FromWordTemplate Required. Interface indicating the export is from a Word template. class MyExportClass implements FromWordTemplate
GlobalTokens Interface for providing global tokens for replacement in Word template. class MyGlobalTokens implements GlobalTokens
TokensFromArray Interface for providing tokens from an array for replacement in Word template. class MyArrayTokens implements TokensFromArray
TokensFromCollection Interface for providing tokens from a collection for replacement in Word template. class MyCollectionTokens implements TokensFromCollection
TokensArray Interface for providing tokens from an array without any block data
TokensFromObject Interface for providing tokens from an object/class without any block data
TokensFromModel Interface for prodiding tokens from a model without any block data
WithCharts Interface that allows you to replace text charts as array
WithCheckboxes Interfaces that allows you to replace text with Checkboxes, either checked or not checked
WithImages Interface that allows you to replace text with Images

Each of these interfaces defines methods that need to be implemented according to the specific requirements of the export process. These methods typically involve returning an array of key-value pairs where keys represent placeholders in the Word template and values are the data to replace those placeholders with.


Word file:


    ${name}, ${email}
    ${deliveryAddress.street}, ${deliveryAddress.city} ${deliveryAddress.postcode} 


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Export\FirstExport;
use Santwer\Exporter\Facade\WordExport;

class HomeController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return WordExport::download(new FirstExport(), 'myExport.docx');

Export Class:

namespace App\Http\Export;

use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\FromWordTemplate;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\GlobalTokens;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\TokensFromCollection;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class FirstExport implements FromWordTemplate, TokensFromCollection, GlobalTokens
	public function items(): Collection
		return collect([
				'name' => 'Jane Smith',
				'email' => 'jane.smith@example.com',
				'deliveryAddress' => [
					'street' => 'Main Street',
					'city' => 'Metropolis',
					'postcode' => '543210',
				'name' => 'Alice Johnson',
				'email' => 'alice.johnson@example.com',
				'deliveryAddress' => [
					'street' => 'Elm Street',
					'city' => 'Springfield',
					'postcode' => '987654',
				'name' => 'Bob Williams',
				'email' => 'bob.williams@example.com',
				'deliveryAddress' => [
					'street' => 'Oak Avenue',
					'city' => 'Townsville',
					'postcode' => '135792',

	public function blockName():string
		return 'customer';

	public function values(): array
		return [
			'TownDateFormat' => 'Townsville, '. now()->format('Y-m-d'),

	public function itemTokens($item) : array
		return $item;

	public function wordTemplateFile(): string
		return 'uploads/myDocFile.docx';


To replace a chart in a Word template, you can use the WithCharts interface. This interface requires the implementation of the charts method, which should return an array of key-value pairs where keys represent placeholders in the Word template and values are the data to replace those placeholders with. You can find all infos about the charts here

Possible types are 'pie', 'doughnut', 'line', 'bar', 'stacked_bar', 'percent_stacked_bar', 'column', 'stacked_column', 'percent_stacked_column', 'area', 'radar', 'scatter'

namespace App\Http\Export;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\FromWordTemplate;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\GlobalTokens;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\WithCharts;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\TokensFromCollection;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class FirstExport implements FromWordTemplate, TokensFromCollection, GlobalTokens, WithCharts
    public function charts(): array

		return [
			'radar' => function () {
				$categories = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E');
				$series1 = [1, 3, 2, 5, 4];

				$chart = new Chart('radar', $categories, $series1,
						'width' => 1000000*5,
						'height' => 1000000*5,
						'showLegend' => true

					],'Series 1');
				$chart->addSeries($categories, [3, 4, 5, 1, 2], 'Series 2');
				return $chart;
	public function items(): Collection
		return collect([



To replace an image in a Word template, you can use the WithImages interface. This interface requires the implementation of the images method, which should return an array of key-value pairs where keys represent placeholders in the Word template and values are the data to replace those placeholders with.

For more Details how to set Images you can find here

namespace App\Http\Export;

use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\FromWordTemplate;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\GlobalTokens;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\WithImages;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\TokensFromCollection;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class FirstExport implements FromWordTemplate, TokensFromCollection, GlobalTokens, WithImages
    public function images(): array
        return [
            'CompanyLogo' => public_path('images/logo.jpg'),
            'UserLogo' => 'path' => public_path('images/logo.jpg'), 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'ratio' => false,
            'image1' => function () {
                return [
                    'path' => public_path('images/image1.jpg'),
                    'width' => 100,
                    'height' => 100,
                    'ratio' => false,
    public function items(): Collection
        return collect([



To replace a table in a Word template, you can use the WithTables interface. This interface requires the implementation of the tables method, which should return an array of key-value pairs where keys represent placeholders in the Word template and values are the data to replace those placeholders with.

Note: For export in pdf at least the headers need the width of the columns. Not settet column widths might not be shown.

namespace App\Http\Export;

use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\FromWordTemplate;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\GlobalTokens;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\WithTables;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\TokensFromCollection;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class FirstExport implements FromWordTemplate, TokensFromCollection, GlobalTokens, WithTables
    public function tables(): array
        return [
            'table1' => function () {
                return [
                    'headers' => [['width' => 3000, 'text' => 'Name'], 'Email', 'Address'],
                    'rows' => [
                        ['Jane Smith', 'jane@smith.com', 'Main Street'],
                        ['Alice Johnson', 'alice@johnson.com', 'Elm Street'],
                        ['Bob Williams', 'bob@williams.com', 'Oak Avenue'],
                    'style' => [
                        'borderSize' => 6,
                        'borderColor' => 'green',
                        'width' => 6000,
    public function items(): Collection
        return collect([


How to use in Query

Add Trait Exportable

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;

class User {
    use Exportable;

As default all Variables are available of the Model. Add a Concern for special export fields.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\HasTokens;

class User implements HasTokens {
    use Exportable;
    public function exportTokens(): array
        return [
            'name'  => $this->name,
            'email' => $this->email,

You can add a fixed Template for each Model.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;
use Santwer\Exporter\Concerns\HasTemplate;

class User implements HasTemplate {
    use Exportable;
    public function exportTemplate(): string
        return '/template.docx';

You can also define own Blocknames for the use of the Model in a template.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;

class User implements HasTemplate {
    use Exportable;
    protected $exportBlock = 'customer';

Basic Export

export() gives download response back.

return User::where(...)

If you defined export template in Model.

return User::where(...)
return User::where(...)
return User::where(...)
        ->storeAs('storage/path', 'name.docx');

It's also possible to set Export-Command after Executing the query or on a Model after Find-Command

return User::where(...)
        ->export('filename.docx', ['template' =>' templatefile.docx']);
return User::find(1234)
        ->export('filename.docx', ['template' =>' templatefile.docx']);

Export as PDF

Generally with the option format = pdf it is possible to export pdf. It is important that libreOffice is installed for that actions.

return User::where(...)
        ->export(['format' => 'pdf']);

For short terms it is possible to call Export functions as PDF

return User::where(...)
return User::where(...)

Autoloading Relations

Before exporting, the Package is checking for defined Relations. If there is no related Variable it will automatically remove unneeded relations. This behavior can be changed within the config. For that it is needed to set up a config File exporter.php in config/

return [
    'removeRelations' => false,

Also is the Package checking for relations that are not loaded yet. It will automatically load the Relations before exporting. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the Export-Code from

return User::with('posts')


return User::template('templatefile.docx')->export();

If the Relation is already loaded it will not be affected.


It is possible to set up variables which are not affected by the Model or Query.

use Santwer\Exporter\Processor\GlobalVariables;
       GlobalVariables::setVariable('Date', now()->format('d.m.Y'));
use Santwer\Exporter\Processor\GlobalVariables;
          'Time' =>  now()->format('H:i'),
          'Date' =>  now()->format('Y-m-d'),

Template Variables/Blocks

In the template the package always looks for loops/Blocks (except for Global Variables). By Default the Blockname is the name of the table. It is also possible to use an own name for that.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;

class User implements HasTemplate {
    use Exportable;
    protected $exportBlock = 'customer';

To export Customers with Name and e-mail addresses, it is needed to add the Block.

    ${name}, ${email}

If there is a Relation within the customer.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;

class User implements HasTemplate {
    use Exportable;
    protected $exportBlock = 'customer';
    public function deliveryAddress()
        return $this->hasOne(Address::class);

    ${name}, ${email}
    ${deliveryAddress.street}, ${deliveryAddress.city} ${deliveryAddress.postcode} 

If there is a Relation with a collection of Entries.

use Santwer\Exporter\Exportable;

class User implements HasTemplate {
    use Exportable;
    protected $exportBlock = 'customer';
    public function orders()
        return $this->hasOne(Order::class);
    public function deliveryAddress()
        return $this->hasOne(Address::class);

    ${name}, ${email}
        ${orders.product_id} ${orders.order_date}
        ${deliveryAddress.street}, ${deliveryAddress.city} ${deliveryAddress.postcode} 

For each Relation it will add up its relation block name.

Relation Variable with Condition

It is possible to define Variables which are Related to many Entries. Therefore, you can reduce it to one relation and get a certain Value in the relation.

It will only select one entry.

    ${name}, ${email}
    Order 15: ${orders:15.product_id} ${orders:15.order_date}

However, you can set up one where condition to get the entry.

    ${name}, ${email}
    Order 15: ${orders:product_id,=,4.product_id} ${orders:product_id,=,4.order_date}

If the Entry is not found the Values of the Model will be null.


The Template should be DOCX or DOC. The File will be cloned and saved in the sys_temp_folder as long it has no store option. For PDF exports it is needed to use LibreOffice. Therefore, the soffice command needs to be executable.

For the Templateprocessing it uses phpoffice/phpword More Infos you can find here