
Simple java request library

Primary LanguageJava

Java Requests

Easy to use java request library. This was earlier part of https://github.com/sapandang/Load-Director


Aim is to provide simple syntax for sending requests. For this all the methods are set as multi parameters.

Add depedency

Select the version from the repo

implementation 'io.github.sapandang:Jrequests:1.0'
  • Maven



String BASE_URL="https://webhook.site/";

Requests requests = new Requests();
String url = BASE_URL+"/getTest";

Headers headers = new Headers();

ResponseData responseData =  requests.get(url,headers);
String resbody = responseData.body;
System.out.println(":GET: "+resbody);


Requests requests = new Requests();
String url = BASE_URL+"/PostTest";
Headers headers = new Headers();
ResponseData responseData =  requests.postRaw(url,"this is the body to post",headers);
String resbody = responseData.body;
System.out.println(":POST: "+resbody);

Multipart form body

Requests requests = new Requests();
Headers headers = new Headers();
String authUrl = BASE_URL+"/app/authentication";
MultiPartFormBody authData = new MultiPartFormBody();
authData.add("j_username", "myuser")
        .add("j_password", "5dfae4ace9e99af5235b184086c78c02b526d57ed7d5f13b34d71d4884292fea")
        .add("remember-me", "false")
        .add("submit", "Login");
ResponseData responseData =  requests.postFormData(authUrl,authData,headers);
System.out.println(":MULTIPART: "+responseData.body);

Post File

Requests requests = new Requests();
String url = BASE_URL+"/PostFile";
ResponseData fileRepose = requests.postfile(BASE_URL+"/postFile",
        "File Name",
        new File("myfile"));

//send with media type
ResponseData fileRepose2 = requests.postfile(BASE_URL+"/postFile2",
        "File Name",
        new File("a.zip"));

Async Requests

Just add pass the call back to any method to make it async

new AsyncResponseCallback() {
    public void onResponse(ResponseData response) {

        System.out.println(":POST ASYNC: ");


Requests requests = new Requests();
String url = BASE_URL+"/PostAsycTest";
Headers headers = new Headers();
requests.postRaw(url, "this is the body to post", headers, new AsyncResponseCallback() {
    public void onResponse(ResponseData response) {

        System.out.println(":POST ASYNC: ");
System.out.println("ASYNC REQUEST SEND");