
[Teams-admin] Fixes/Changes for Management apps

ArtieReus opened this issue · 2 comments

  • [teams]:
  • There are no errors shown to the user if no login succeed or login not done. Just a black window. Check if loggedIn and if not, then display a message to the user. See Supernova or doop as example.
  • display errors from api client. If API client has errors show the error code and error message to the user in a Message component
  • embedded prop is not implemented correctly. The embedded prop can be string or boolean (depending on where it comes from. So the current check: {props.embedded === false} doesn't work as expected because String false is not strictly equal to boolean false, "false" !== false. See juno template app for example how to fix the expression
  • Store state (e.g. which team was selected) in URL and also read from URL when loading. See Supernova/Doop useUrlState hook.
  • Remove teams side navigation, instead add a filter section (similar to supernova) where teams can be selected from a Select box
  • Implement a mock if you want to visualize anything. If not, we'll need to use a real login in the management app, being careful not to commit it accidentally
  • add endless scroll feature to team member list (automatic loading of more entries when user scrolls down). See Supernova alerts list for how this is done