
Fatal error: Cannot read property 'canonicalDir' of undefined

saadfarooq opened this issue · 2 comments

From what I can tell, this error occurs when a component appears as a dependency of a direct project dependency (i.e. project depends on 'A' and 'A' depends on 'B' but project does not depend on 'B' directly) and a mainFile is declared via the plugin config. In this case[name] does not return the proper object since it's looking at top-level (direct) dependencies only. This results in findMainFiles failing when it tries to read the meta.canonicalDir property.

A workaround is to include the dependency for which this issue occurs explicitly in your bower.json so it becomes a top level dependency but eventually the plugin should handle this condition.

Could you provide and example? Gruntfile + bower.json.

The following should get you the error in any Grunt based project that uses bower_concat (I assume you have a bunch).

bower install --save angular-ui-ace\#bower

Once you add that and run, you should get:

Fatal error: Can’t detect main file for "ace-builds" component. You should explicitly define it via bower_concat’s mainFiles option. See Readme for details.

ace-builds is a dependency of angular-ui-ace. You can then add this in your bower_concat block to define a mainFile for ace-builds

bower_concat: {
  all: {
    dest: 'build/_bower.js',
    mainFiles: {
      'ace-builds': 'src/ace.js'

Once you have that, it gives:

Fatal error: Cannot read property 'canonicalDir' of undefined

That should be pretty quick. If that doesn't go well for you, I'll add the project files.