Jumping from 4 columns to 2 columns
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When My containing Div shrinks from over 700px to less than 700px it jumps from being 4 columns directly to 2 columns and vice versa...
only during slow resizing 3 columns appear... sometimes... and just for a few px, than it goes back to the even columns.
Basically anything is on default
<div class="clearfix mosaicflow" data-item-selector=".mosaicflow__item" data-min-item-width="240" data-min-columns="2" itemHeightCalculation="auto"> <div class="mosaicflow__item"> <img src="http://exh5266.cias.rit.edu/256/homework3/images/kitten.jpg" width="240" height="auto" alt=""> </div> ...
There is also no other css than the basic affecting these elements...
So yeah, what could be the reason for that and is it possible to manually set the re-align width?