
`updatedb.js` script seems to be unable to handle redirects

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm using geoip-country@4.2.72 and it seems the included update script is unable to handle redirects when fetching the DB data.

Here's the console output:

Fetching new databases from MaxMind...
Storing files at /some/path/node_modules/geoip-country/data
Fetching edition GeoLite2-Country-CSV from
Retrieving ...ERROR: HTTP Request Failed [302]

Thank you for reporting the error!

I try to fix the issue in a8b4194.
I update npm version to geoip-country@4.2.73. Could you try this?

@sapics, I just tested with 4.2.73 and it seems fixed. Big thanks!

Thank you for quick testing and response!