
Download Not Allowed

RoelRoel opened this issue · 7 comments

I allways get "Retrieving ...ERROR: Download Not Allowed — Is Your License Key Valid? [HTTP 401]"

I followed all the instuctions and requested a licence key at maxmind.

I try to update the data via a script in my package.json with the following content:
set key... && node node_modules/geoip-country/scripts/updatedb.js

I update to v3.4.1.
In this version, you can use environment variable GEOLITE2_LICENSE_KEY. It would help you!

It does not help. I still get
ERROR: Download Not Allowed — Is Your License Key Valid? [HTTP 401]

Do I need the advanced way to get a licence key at Maxmind? What are the settings?

When I test, it works without any trouble in Windows10.
Which OS do you use? And how about this command?

cd node_modules/geoip-country && npm run-script updatedb --license_key=YOUR_GEOLITE2_LICENSE_KEY

Now, I create a new version 4.0.
I change the major version, because the LICENSE and EULA are changed.

geoip-country updates weekly from MaxMind database.
Thus, just updating geoip-country in npm would be enough :)

Works for me on Ubuntu 18, thanks @sapics for updating since MaxMInd recently introduced breaking changes.

Thanks @AtAFork for reporting!

I close this issue.
It will be reopened, if any trouble information is provided.