
request: starting plugins with certain condtion

z7pz opened this issue · 4 comments

z7pz commented

Is there an existing issue or pull request for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues and pull requests

Feature description

Now I'm using sharding for my bot, and i am using the @sapphire/plugin-api so I'd be attached with discord.js, I don't have any way to call register before the login method on Sapphire Client because I can't to know what shard is that.

Desired solution

I don't have a good solution for now but I would guess that creating a method to start a plugin would be helpful

Alternatives considered

just seperate the api and that means i wont be able to use the plugin

Additional context

No response

z7pz commented

my current solution:

import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Listener, Plugin, SapphireClient, container, postInitialization, preLogin } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { loadListeners, loadMediaParsers, loadMiddlewares, loadRoutes, Server } from '@sapphire/plugin-api';
import { options } from '..';
import { UserRoute } from '../routes/user';
import { ServerRoute } from '../routes/server/server';
import { ClientOptions } from 'discord.js';
class Api extends Plugin {
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public static [postInitialization](this: SapphireClient, options: ClientOptions): void {
		this.server = new Server(options.api);
			.register(this.server.routes) //
		container.stores.loadPiece({ name: 'UserRoute', piece: UserRoute, store: 'routes' });
		container.stores.loadPiece({ name: 'ServerRoute', piece: ServerRoute, store: 'routes' });

	 * @since 1.0.0
	public static async [preLogin](this: SapphireClient): Promise<void> {
		if (!(this.server.options.automaticallyConnect ?? true)) {

		await this.server.connect();

export const startApi = (client: SapphireClient) => {
	SapphireClient.plugins.registerPostInitializationHook(Api[postInitialization], 'API-PostInitialization');
	SapphireClient.plugins.registerPreLoginHook(Api[preLogin], 'API-PreLogin');
	Api[postInitialization].call(client, options);
	for (let v of client.stores.values()) {
		if (['middlewares', 'mediaParsers', 'routes'].includes( {
@ApplyOptions<Listener.Options>({ once: false })
export class ShardReady extends Listener {
	public override async run(id: number) {
		if (id == 0) startApi(this.container.client);`[${id}] shard is ready.`);

i lost the feature of auto register for routes, middlewares and mediaParse

I'd say that this only applies for plugin-api and as linked by @swiizyy there is already code in place for that.

Closing because of the above