
Automatically compile TensorFlow Python3 wheels in a docker container. Updated with CUDA 10.2 support.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Compile Tensorflow on Docker

Docker images to compile TensorFlow yourself.

Tensorflow only provide a limited set of build and it can be challenging to compile yourself on certain configuration. With this Dockerfile, you should be able to compile TensorFlow on any Linux platform that run Docker.

Compilation images are provided for targeting platforms in the dist path.


This fork includes NVIDIA cuda==10.2, NCCL==2.7 support and will be maintained on forward releases as TensorFlow evolves.


  • docker
  • docker-compose

Optional GPU Hardware

  • Docker CUDA Support nvidia-container-toolkit
  • CUDA Hardware tf.test.is_gpu_available()

Usage: Compile Wheels in Container

Get started compiling TensorFlow python3 wheels, ensure you have a supported docker container environment. Note that it may take a considerable time to prep image layers with CUDA env and build from source (example: Xeon 24C, build times ~3h).

Clone Repo

$ git clone https://github.com/SarMalik/docker-tensorflow-builder.git
$ cd docker-tensorflow-builder

Modify Build Params

Clone the build/compile.tf{version}-cuda{version}.sh starter script with bash params for targeting wheel compilation.

Refer to tested configs listed in the Builds section.

$ cat build/compile.*.sh >> vim


# Target:OS:Distribution
# Supported: [
#   'ubuntu-16.04',
#   'ubuntu-18.04',
#   'ubuntu-18.10',
#   'ubuntu-20.04',
#   'centos-6.6',
#   'centos-7.4'
# ]

# Target:Python Version
# Number<1,2>
export PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.12

# Target:Checkout TensorFlow Release Tag
# String<Number<2>>
export TF_VERSION_GIT_TAG=v1.15.0

# Target:Build:Bazel
# String<Number<1,2>>
export BAZEL_VERSION=0.19

# TF Graph Hardware Support
# 0: CPU, 1: GPU
# Int
export USE_GPU=1

# Required if USE_GPU=1
# CUDA, CUDNN, NCCL major increments
# Number<1>
export CUDA_VERSION=10.2
export CUDNN_VERSION=7.6
export NCCL_VERSION=2.7


To instantiate the compiler environment, save and run the platform targeting script.

$ docker ./build/compile.tf{version}-cuda{version}.sh

Build Output

The compiled wheels are written to ${PWD}/wheels/**/*.wheel.

Cleanup Output

Intermediate container layers used for the build process may take up considerable space and can be safely removed from the host using the command: $ sudo docker system prune.


Tensorflow Python Distribution Bazel CUDA cuDNN NCCL Comment
2.0.1 3.6.8 Ubuntu 18.04 0.24.1 10.0 7.5 2.4 OK
2.0.1 3.6.8 Ubuntu 18.04 0.24.1 - - - OK
v2.0.0-alpha0 3.6 Ubuntu 18.10 0.20 10.0 7.5 2.4 seg fault error
v2.0.0-alpha0 3.6 Ubuntu 18.10 0.20 - - - OK
v2.0.0-alpha0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 0.20 10.0 7.5 2.4 TODO
v2.0.0-alpha0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 0.20 - - - TODO
1.9.0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 - - 0.19 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 0.19 9.0 7.1 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 0.19 9.1 7.1 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 0.19 9.2 7.1 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 CentOS 6.6 - 0.19 - - OK
1.9.0 3.6 CentOS 6.6 0.19 9.0 7.1 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 CentOS 6.6 0.19 9.1 7.1 - OK
1.9.0 3.6 CentOS 6.6 0.19 9.2 7.1 - OK
1.15.0 3.7.5 Ubuntu 18.04 0.24.1 - - - seg fault error
1.15.0 3.6 Ubuntu 18.04 0.24.1 - - - seg fault error
1.15.0 3.6.12 Ubuntu 18.04 0.26.1 10.2 7.6 2.1 OK
1.15.0 3.6.12 Ubuntu 18.04 0.26.1 - - - OK

Package Sources


To share compiled wheels from your platform with the community, see the repo tensorflow-community-wheels and report your tested config with a PR.

Before open an issue, include your container host hardware config and build script variables.

$ uname -a
$ docker -v
$ nvidia-smi
$ cat build/compile.tf{version}-cuda{version}.sh

Repo Tree

. #repo:docker-tensorflow-builder
├── Hadrien Mary <hadrien.mary@gmail.com>
│    └── Dimitri Gerin <dimitri.gerin@gmail.com>
└────────└── Sar Malik <github.com/SarMalik>


MIT License. See LICENSE.