A Python tool for quicker data management and model building, for AI/ML applications using Time Series Data.
Work in progress...
- Can load xlsx and csv files
- Analyse time series data
## Fast
- plot
- cluster içinde işaretleyip gerisini buldur
- cluster sayısını bile söylemiyorum
Features to be implemented in future
Level 1
- Implement APIs from Yahoo Finance and World Bank (fredapi, yfinance, wbapi, imfpy and pandaSDMX)
- Implement Pytorch and Keras support
- Implement console debugging
- ANOVA Table
Level 2
- Add more common parameters to DF object (analyise)
- Visualize parameters in container, export and show
- GUI using Flask and/or Bokeh
- Implementing non time series data support
- Basic Analysis
- Clustering
- Classification
- Prediction