
Support for RGB, and custom GUI

Misio12320 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi. Can you add RGB support for the GUI and allow to customize the GUI?

You can customize the gui already. Gui is customizable via shop.yml
I'll look into adding RGB support.

Also add support for lore in GUI and button back-item: "DIAMOND" NAMED "" with a lore "". And add maybe support to purchase custom items like excalibur for example..
And add support to skip existing enchantments like I have a sword with fire aspect 2 and when I purchase fire aspect 2 it will take my money...

What do you mean purchase custom items? EnchantGUI is just for enchants. You can already customize the back item by changing the back-item: entry.
Do you mean adding additional lore to the back item?

What do you mean purchase custom items? EnchantGUI is just for enchants.

Well true, okay.

Do you mean adding additional lore to the back item?

Yeah would be cool I think.
And add support to make custom GUI I mean custom rows like 6 rows and fill the empty slots with something and
slot1: "diamond sword" with sharpness <- and it will open the GUI with sharpness shop for player's sword/axe
slot2: "diamond chestplate" with protection with lore "PROTECTION" and it should open shop with protection 🤔

EnchantGUI isn't meant to support purchasing custom items. Use something like ChestCommands or BossShopPro if you want more functionality with guis.
I'll add RGB support in the future, with better back item configuration.