
Support Neo4j Bolt protocol for gatling.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Bolt support for Gatling. Bolt is the binary protocol to communicate with neo4j. The goal of this project is to provide support for bolt within gatling in a as seamless way as possible.

2nd goal is to teach myself scala.

This project contains my very first lines of scala code, so be prepared to find silly nonsense stuff here. If you do, pls drop me a note.


For now gatling-bolt is in a POC status, connection and basic reporting works.

We’re lacking support for more-than-one statement scenarios, validating results and many more.

build & install

Just do a sbt assembly and copy ./target/scala-2.12/gatling-bolt-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to your gatling installation at $GATLING_HOME/lib/

If you want to use a separate self-contained gatling project as documented on https://technicaldifficulties.io/2018/11/15/bundling-gatling-tests-into-an-executable-jar/ you need to call sbt publishM2 to make gatling-bolt available in your local maven repo.
