
AskFm Dataset

The AskFm primarily used for asking questions either publicly or anonymously and then getting answers from other users. To collect each user's questions and answers, we have crawled each of the profiles using Python web crawler library, Beautiful Soup. Questions and answers associated with each user profile are saved in a CSV file. Question-answer pairs are only extracted if they contain cyberbullying swear words, which were filtered by a string matching technique. In total, we crawled 3720 user profiles and over 400,000 question-answer pairs. Public proxy servers located in the UK, CA, and the USA were employed to retrieve English written posts. Applying insult/swear words string matching reduced the data to 10k unique posts.

We have manually labeled the resulting 10k AskFM dataset. Labeling involves identifying whether each sentence contains cyberbullying or not. A critical hypothesis developed based on some social science and psychiatry findings, that cyberbullying case must include both insult/swear wording and a second person/person's name . If there is no second person/person's name available, it may not be considered cyberbullying other than general HS.

However, this determination is not that simple; for example, "This is bad, but John Doe is lucky" includes both Insult word and Person name; however, it is not an HS or cyberbullying case as the relationship between the two is not established.

Nevertheless, "John Doe is not bad," contains both person name, Insult word, and a correlation between the two has been established. Still, it is not an HS or cyberbullying case due to the negation of words. Similarly, 'John Doe is not a good person,' does not contain Insult words but is considered as both HS and cyberbullying. In the sentence, 'Asylum seekers are dirty,' has an Insult word and target; it falls into HS but is not categorized as cyberbullying because its target is not a person / second person.

Besides, HS could work differently if multiple sentences are put together. For example, "John doe working hard. Ugly" is an HS, Cyberbullying and Offensive cases even though the second sentence "Ugly" contains only an Insult word without any second-person/Person entity.

These examples show the requirements mentioned above for HS, cyberbullying, and other cases are the necessary conditions; though, it is not compulsory due to the variety of natural language modifiers expressing negation and opposition.

Two independent labelers (who have knowledge in this field and completed a master's thesis on cyberbullying detection and NLP) have been employed separately for annotation for avoiding bias. While a third one (a senior research fellow and completed his Ph.D. in this field) is called upon whenever a disagreement between the two arises (total disagreement 141). We attribute the label '1' to a sentence if it is associated with cyberbullying and '0' otherwise.

FormSpring Dataset

The second dataset that we have used was collected from, which is publicly accessible. The data represent 50 IDs from that were crawled in the Summer of 2010. For each ID, the profile information and each post (question and answer) were extracted. Each post was loaded into Amazon's Mechanical Turk and labeled by three workers for cyberbullying content. The same labeling mechanism as before is used here, as illustrated in The FormSpring dataset contains 12k posts in which 7\% contains cyberbullying.

[N.B:] A work has been published with both AskFm and FromSpring dataset

Hasoc-2021 dataset

This dataset is latest datasets from HASOC_2021 competation. It has two task namely Subtask 1A and Subtask 1B.

Subtask 1A: Identifying Hate, offensive and profane content from the post.

Sub-task A focus on Hate speech and Offensive language identification offered for English. Sub-task A is coarse-grained binary classification in which participating system are required to classify tweets into two class, namely:
Hate and Offensive (HOF) and Non- Hate and offensive (NOT).
(NOT) Non Hate-Offensive - This post does not contain any Hate speech, profane, offensive content.
(HOF) Hate and Offensive - This post contains Hate, offensive, and profane content.

Subtask 1B :- Discrimination between Hate, profane and offensive posts

This sub-task is a fine-grained classification offered for English. Hate-speech and offensive posts from the sub-task A are further classified into three categories. (HATE) Hate speech :- Posts under this class contain Hate speech content.
(OFFN) Offenive :- Posts under this class contain offensive content.
(PRFN) Profane :- These posts contain profane words.
(NONE):- contain no hate or profane words.

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