test_spinner fails with colorama 0.3.3
jayvdb opened this issue · 2 comments
jayvdb commented
When colorama is 0.3.3, ...
__________________________ test_spinner[False-False] ___________________________
monkeypatch = <_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch object at 0x7fc2bb3d4550>
nospin = False, write_to_stdout = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("nospin, write_to_stdout", (
(True, True), (True, False),
(False, True), (False, False)
def test_spinner(monkeypatch, nospin, write_to_stdout):
with replaced_stream("stdout") as stdout:
with replaced_stream("stderr") as stderr:
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
# m.setenv("VISTIR_DISABLE_COLORS", "1")
import vistir.spin
with vistir.spin.create_spinner(
spinner_name="bouncingBar", text="Running...", nospin=nospin,
) as spinner:
out = stdout.getvalue().strip(vistir.spin.CLEAR_LINE).strip()
err = stderr.getvalue().strip(vistir.spin.CLEAR_LINE).strip()
if write_to_stdout:
assert "Ok!" in out.strip().splitlines()[-1], out
assert err.strip() == "", err
> assert "Ok!" in err.strip().splitlines()[-1], err
E IndexError: list index out of range
tests/test_spinner.py:30: IndexError
jayvdb commented
Probably a good idea to set minimums for the other dependencies, so vistir provides a stable and consistent baseline that other packages can rely on.
techalchemy commented
Sure, I’m surprised anyone is using versions of colorama that old. That’s like 2 years out of date