Bash utilities to use RN2483 microchip LORA from raspberry pi (RPi)
Those small utilites allows to manage the Lora chip RN2483 that is connected using RX / TX to a RPi.
To install just copy the utilites from the 'bash' folder to '/usr/local/bin'
Just enter your text after the "lora" instruction and it will be sent.
> lora send this test
You need to append the address of your device that you should first register on: http://thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/AddressSpace
> loraInit 1234ABCD
Retrieve most of the parameters from the RN2483
> loraInfo
Connecting RN2483 to the RPi2
We need to connect 3.3V, RX, TX, GND and the RESET (see picture).