
how to use TopK when completion

Surprisezang opened this issue · 0 comments

// CompletionRequest represents a request structure for completion API.
type CompletionRequest struct {
	Model            string   `json:"model"`
	Prompt           any      `json:"prompt,omitempty"`
	Suffix           string   `json:"suffix,omitempty"`
	MaxTokens        int      `json:"max_tokens,omitempty"`
	Temperature      float32  `json:"temperature,omitempty"`
	TopP             float32  `json:"top_p,omitempty"`
	N                int      `json:"n,omitempty"`
	Stream           bool     `json:"stream,omitempty"`
	LogProbs         int      `json:"logprobs,omitempty"`
	Echo             bool     `json:"echo,omitempty"`
	Stop             []string `json:"stop,omitempty"`
	PresencePenalty  float32  `json:"presence_penalty,omitempty"`
	FrequencyPenalty float32  `json:"frequency_penalty,omitempty"`
	BestOf           int      `json:"best_of,omitempty"`
	// LogitBias is must be a token id string (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer), not a word string.
	// incorrect: `"logit_bias":{"You": 6}`, correct: `"logit_bias":{"1639": 6}`
	// refs:
	LogitBias map[string]int `json:"logit_bias,omitempty"`
	User      string         `json:"user,omitempty"`

I can find temperature and topp above. Could i use topk when completion?