
No error reporting?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

mikl commented

I have been trying to set up ember-cli-eyeglass for my open source app Bookmeister, switching from Ruby Sass.

I guess it's not too surprising that it doesn't compile immediately without errors, but the problem I'm struggling with is that all errors seem to be squelched somewhere inside Broccoli.

So if I make a really simple app.scss file, like this:

body {
  background-color: chartreuse;

…everything works just fine. A bookmeister.css file is created with those contents.

The problem occurs when I try to use my previous setup, as before with partials and Sass libraries, ember build just stops generating a bookmeister.css file at all.

I have tried digging a bit into this library, and broccoli-eyeglass beneath it, but I have not been able to figure out which of the two causes the errors to be silenced, so I'm filing this here. I'll try to investigate further on my own, but if anyone had a few pointers on where I should look, I would be grateful.

mikl commented

I've come up with a simple test case for reproducing the error, just load toolkit in your app.scss like this:

@import 'toolkit';

body {
  background-color: chartreuse;

This should work, when you have "sass-toolkit": "^2.9.0" in your package.json, but it fails as described above (no app.css file generated).

Is sass-toolkit in your dependencies or devDependencies?

Try adding it to dependencies if it's not already there. This is an issue in eyeglass that will be fixed in the next release.

That said, even if that does fix your immediate issue, an error should definitely be surfaced.

mikl commented

Thanks for the suggestion, although it seems that was not the problem (or at least not the only one). I'll investigate further when I have time :)

mikl commented

Okay, I'm pretty sure I've found the problem.

In broccoli-eyeglass, in the handleFailure method for the sass compiler, there's a TODO.

At the time of this writing, it reads:

  handleFailure: function(details, error) {
    var failed ="failed", details, error);
    var rethrow = failed.finally(function() {
      // TODO: implement fullException
    return RSVP.allSettled([failed, rethrow]);

Now, I'm not sure if it is the TODO that needs to be fixed, or ember-cli-eyeglass that needs to listen for the error event emitted here, but I have found a reasonable workaround until either happens – simply add this line to the handleFailure function:

throw error;
mikl commented

Oh, and the main problem here was that the version of sass-toolkit I had installed needed eyeglass v0.2.0 to work, I've made a PR for that: #3

The error handling has been fixed recently. Sorry for the inconvenience.