
Remove hurtful political banner

addysa opened this issue · 0 comments

SASS sees fit to inject political statements into OSS software, in clear violation of their own code of conduct which includes:

  • "Be considerate" - Calling for the de-population of 10M people is not "considerate".

  • "Be open and inviting" - Forcibly injecting politics where it doesn't belong is the antithesis of both "open" and "inviting"

  • "Be respectful" - respectful of your opinion, but not of others, apparently.

  • "Take responsibility for our words and our actions" - We can all make mistakes; when we do, we take responsibility for them. If someone has been harmed or offended, we listen carefully and respectfully, and work to right the wrong.

So please follow that last tenet, and right this wrong. People have clearly been offended by this. You have a right to your opinions and to act on them, but Github OSS libraries are not the place.