
issues with sitedefault.yaml example file

juergenschroeder opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi all,

if I take the yaml default file from

I find two issues.
First: the port is given as a string port: '389', which results in a python error. it should just be a number, port: 389

Second: the last line specifying the administrator
administrator: 'your_user_id'

results in a validation error using open LDAP for any user specified

2021-11-24 02:33:05,159 -[line:273] - DEBUG: LDAP Query: search_base=ou=user,dc=ldap,dc=localdomain, search_filter=(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName
2021-11-24 02:33:05,160 -[line:277] - ERROR: LDAP search failed with the following error: invalid class in objectClass attribute: user

looking at the python code in at line 200 the search string hard coded to

searchstring = '(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=' + ldap_defaultadmin_user + '))'**
if (not perform_ldap_query(ldap_logger, ldap_server_host,  ldap_user_basedn, searchstring, True)):

these objects are only found in active directory but not in open LDAP

So my question is, are they needed, and / or is it only working using AD?

my sitedefault.yaml looks like the following

host: 'centosmaster.localdomain'
port: 389
url: 'ldap://${}:${sas.identities.providers.ldap.connection.port}'
anonymousBind: 'false'
userDN: "cn=ldapadm,dc=ldap,dc=localdomain"
password: ""
accountId: 'name'
baseDN: "ou=groups,dc=ldap,dc=localdomain"
createdDate: 'createTimestamp'
distinguishedName: 'none'
member: 'member'
modifiedDate: 'modifyTimestamp'
objectClass: 'groupOfNames'
objectFilter: '(objectClass=groupOfNames)'
searchFilter: 'dn={0}'
accountId: 'uid'
baseDN: "ou=user,dc=ldap,dc=localdomain"
createdDate: 'createTimestamp'
distinguishedName: 'none'
memberOf: 'memberOf'
modifiedDate: 'modifyTimestamp'
objectClass: 'inetOrgPerson'
objectFilter: '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)'
searchFilter: 'uid={0}'
administrator: 'ldapadm'

which I call with the following command

python3 ldap_validator -s ../sysPrep/sitedefault.yaml -d

The sample sitedefault yaml URL referenced is from the Viya 3 version of Viya ARK, but the python tool reference by this issue is for Viya 4 version of Viya ARK which does not provide a sample sitedefault yaml file. I assume the Viya 3 sample version is different because it used in Ansible playbooks. I think the expectation of the Viya 4 ARK is that you use the sample sitedefault included in your order generated manifests.

Will it work with open LDAP then? or just with AD?

Currently, the script only supports AD. I will take a look at what changes are needed to provide support for OpenLDAP.

We have opened a request to support OpenLDAP.