
failure of the deployment report generation with Viya stable 2022.11/K8s 1.23.10

raphaelpoumarede opened this issue · 7 comments

I have a working deployed stable 2022.11 Viya (running on K8s 1.23.10 with nginx 1.19.9).
The python script fails with :

[cloud-user@pdcesx03181 viya4-ark]$ python3 deployment-report --namespace gelenv

Generating deployment report......................DONE
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 139, in <module>
  File "", line 77, in main[1:])
  File "/home/cloud-user/viya4-ark/deployment_report/", line 48, in run
  File "/home/cloud-user/viya4-ark/deployment_report/", line 139, in main
  File "/home/cloud-user/viya4-ark/deployment_report/model/", line 294, in gather_details
    ingress_version = ingress_util.get_ingress_version(kubectl)
  File "/home/cloud-user/viya4-ark/deployment_report/model/utils/", line 124, in get_ingress_version
    " --field-selector=status.phase==Running" + \
TypeError: must be str, not NoneType


@raphaelpoumarede can you make sure you're using the latest code pulled from the default branch, and also provide the following info:

  • What is the cloud provider?
  • What is the python 3 version? (python3 -V)

I use Viya ARK 1.9.0
I'm testing in an opensource K8s env (Rancher)
Python 3.6.8

It was working with previous Viya ARK and K8s versions.
Also when I tried with the -i option, then I get a message that "the nginx namespace can't be found". However I can see it when I list my namespaces with the "kubectl get ns" command.

[cloud-user@pdcesx03181 viya4-ark]$ python3 deployment-report --ingress-namespace "nginx" -n gelenv

ERROR: The ingress namespace [nginx] was not found in the target environment.

[cloud-user@pdcesx03181 viya4-ark]$ python3 deployment-report --ingress-namespace nginx -n gelenv

ERROR: The ingress namespace [nginx] was not found in the target environment.

Same result when I'm using the "master" branch instead of 1.9.0

I believe there are two issues that have been found here, both related to PR #174 and PR #175

As a workaround, one could make the following change in viya_ark_library/k8s/ locally after downloading the latest code to match the nginx ingress namespace "nginx" when it differs from the default expected "ingress-nginx":

NS_NGINX = "nginx"

And then run without the --ingress-namespace override
python3 deployment-report --namespace gelenv

Thanks to report the issue. I'll check into it.

This issue addressed in Release 1.9.1