
Can't find pg_dump and pg_restore commands

aoc opened this issue · 1 comments

aoc commented

Operating System and Version

macOS Catalina 10.15.3

pgsh --version


The command you are running

❯ pgsh clone mydb mydb_copy 

Your .pgshrc file (if any) and the relevant part of your .env, obfuscated as necessary

  "mode": "url",
  "vars": {
    "url": "DATABASE_URL"

Your expected output

The command runs fine

The actual output on your system with DEBUG=pgsh:* in your environment (no passwords or hostnames are logged)

Going to clone api_development to api_development_copy...
/bin/sh: pg_dump: command not found
/bin/sh: pg_restore: command not found
Clone failed: clone failed; this can happen if you do not have the proper permissions on your user (postgres). Try configuring vars.super_[user|password] in your .pgshrc to provide login information for commands that need it.

Any additional information you think may help

The psql command runs fine because I see the database gets created. I found that pg_dump and pg_restore child processes don't get all the env vars from parent (including PATH)

I'm sending a PR to fix this

aoc commented

some more context: MacOS using homebrew. I didn't install postgres but only libp to get the tools