
`limit` being overridden in `next` link

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In addition to the JSON encoding problem in #155 , the limit keyword is incorrect in the next link when using POST.

curl -d '{"page": 1, "l1mit": 1, "intersects": {"type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-66.3958740234375, 43.305193797650546], [-64.390869140625, 43.305193797650546], [-64.390869140625, 44.22945656830167], [-66.3958740234375, 44.22945656830167], [-66.3958740234375, 43.305193797650546]]]}}}'

The next link looks like:

Looks like limit reverts to the default.

This seems to be invalid. There is a typo in the above word "limit" as "l1mit" and I was unable to reproduce this problem.