
Migration from legacy to latest version

himanshu-sikaria opened this issue · 1 comments

Had built rLandsat a R library to search and download Landsat imagery. It has a dependency on sat-api. At the time of building of rLandsat we used the current legacy branch.

  1. Is the legacy still maintained and would it fetch the right/complete results?
  2. What would be the equivalent of a query like this in the new version?

Hi @himanshu-sikaria ,

The legacy branch is not maintained, and is currently not capable of ingesting new scenes. I also don't think it's worth updating or maintaining, as the newer sat-api uses STAC as the metadata standard.

You can get examples of new queries by installing and using sat-search which is a Python library, but also a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool allowing you to make queries against any STAC compliant API (it defaults to using

If you use the CLI you can use the -v option to see the POST body that is provided to the API (note that sat-search does not use GET, although GET is supported), which will provide some help.

However, I must warn you that STAC is currently under development, and the API is one of the things that is most likely to change before a v1.0, so you may want to wait before updating rLandsat.

I do have an additional suggestion though. sat-search is a useful library for users developing in Python, but for R it would be great to have an rSTAC library that works similarly to sat-search, but can be used for R developers. This would allow for more modular tools to be built in R around the STAC spec,.