
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Hacker News

Hacker News is a popular site where technology related news/stories are voted and commented upon. Users post news/stories from different sources and can have URLs poiting to the source.

In this analysis we will explore that the posts begin with Ask or Show. Users submit Ask HN posts to ask the Hacker News community a specific question, such as "What is the best online course you've ever taken?" Likewise, users submit Show HN posts to show the Hacker News community a project, product, or just generally something interesting.

Questions to answer

  • Do Ask HN or Show HN receive more comments on average?
  • Do posts created at a certain time receive more comments on average?


  • On average, ask posts in our sample receive approximately 10 comments, whereas show posts receive approximately 4.
  • The hour that receives the most comments per post on average is 15:00, with an average of 28.68 comments per post. There's about a 75% increase in the number of comments between the hours with the highest and second highest average number of comments.